strategic importance of middle east

. Iraq has very real “oil wealth” in one sense of the term. Concerned that France would block British access to the eastern Mediterranean and thereby threaten critical trade routes to India, the British navy collaborated with Ottoman authorities to evict French troops from Egypt. The topic seems mundane, technical, and not worthy of high-level attention. The shape of this project, as well as the opinions, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in its findings, are those of the authors and do not represent the view of the embassy or the government of Qatar, which did not review the project’s findings before publication. In any case, whether the United States or another international body attempts such aid, there are some clear lessons from the last seventeen years. For the period between the 1970s and 1990s, the Arab states of the Persian Gulf in particular provided a rich source of employment for workers from Egypt, Yemen and the countries of the Levant, while Europe had attracted young workers from North African countries due both to proximity and the legacy of colonial ties between France and the majority of North African states. Iraq's largely state-run economy is dominated by the oil sector, which provides roughly 85% of government revenue and 80% of foreign exchange earnings, and is a major determinant of the economy's fortunes. In the 20th century, the region's significant stocks of crude oil gave it new strategic and economic importance. Due to it primarily being Arabic speaking, the Maghreb region of North Africa is sometimes included. Like the military assistance effort, there are no clear long-term U.S. goals or indications that the United States is actively addressing the broader economic reform issues addressed at the start of this analysis. Notably, these specific expenditures are only partially reported in the Iraq budget – though IISS reported 9.95% of the GDP in 2016, 10.02% in 2017, and 7.47% in 2018.9. It said that the CTS’s highly centralized command and control structure contributed to its inability to take decisive action against ISIS because tactical units do not have much freedom to act swiftly on local intelligence. The search for agricultural lands by agriculturalists, and pastoral lands by herdsmen meant different migrations took place within the region and shaped its ethnic and demographic makeup. It is all too tempting for the United States to focus on the current crisis over the clash between Iran and the United States in Iraq. It is equally unclear that the United States will retain the presence and leverage it needs to help Iraq address them. However, the United States never developed any meaningful plan for dealing with Iraq’s political and economic crises, for dealing with Syria, or even for dealing with the tens of thousands ISIS prisoners that its “victory” created. Citing other examples, CJTF-OIR reported that although the Federal Police has begun utilizing mortars while conducting clearance operations against ISIS, its use of mortars remains “largely inaccurate even after Coalition training.”366 This quarter, the ISF command in Anbar province did “not show a major increase in fires capability,” or use its own drones, relying instead on the Coalition’s unmanned aerial systems, CJTF-OIR said. Moreover, the economic growth and stability of the developing world will remain dependent on fossil fuels – and Gulf energy exports – for at least the next generation. the Middle East, focusing on China’s relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran. Because of the ordered departure, USAID staff are monitoring humanitarian programs remotely via phone calls and implementers reports, as well as through temporary duty deployments. The current public protests and public upheavals in Iraq are not simply the result of current anger at foreign intervention, corruption, poor economic conditions, or a lack of meaningful employment opportunities. It needs a U.S. effort that provides consistent support and help – one that does not consistently express indecision or a constant change in its course. However, it would be the later Islamic Caliphates of the Middle Ages, or Islamic Golden Age which began with the Islamic conquest of the region in the 7th century AD, that would first unify the entire Middle East as a distinct region and create the dominant Islamic Arab ethnic identity that largely (but not exclusively) persists today. The United States cannot help an Iraq that does not help itself. CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (. Iraq’s problems are the result of deep structural problems that have combined together over decades of war and political crises – with factors like high population growth, hyper-urbanization, a breakdown of traditional economic structures, acute over-employment in unproductive state industries, growing water and climate problems, and the equivalent of a deeply divided petro-kleptocracy that claims a far too large share of the nation’s oil wealth. [citation needed] In the late 1930s, the British established the Middle East Command, which was based in Cairo, for its military forces in the region. The six top languages, in terms of numbers of speakers, are Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Kurdish, Hebrew and Greek. There are also important minority religions like the Baháʼí Faith, Yarsanism, Yazidism, Zoroastrianism, Mandaeism, Druze, and Shabakism, and in ancient times the region was home to Mesopotamian religions, Canaanite religions, Manichaeism, Mithraism and various monotheist gnostic sects. . [citation needed]. So does dealing with immediate humanitarian needs – created by Iraq’s ethnic and sectarian divisions as well as the gaps between Iraq’s regular forces and the PMF. Anthony H. Cordesman holds the Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. Middle East & North Africa. . What is clear is that the level of Iraq’s kleptocracy has reached the point where it impacts every Iraqi who does not benefit from the current system. Until the late 11th century, it was also the main spoken language in Asia Minor; after that it was gradually replaced by the Turkish language as the Anatolian Turks expanded and the local Greeks were assimilated, especially in the interior. While the three countries are different in many ways, each faces increasing challenges providing services to their citizens. “Saving” Iraq, however, is a far more serious challenge than simply dealing with its current political divisions, the remnants of ISIS, or the short-term challenges posed by Iran. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles defined the Middle East as "the area lying between and including Libya on the west and Pakistan on the east, Syria and Iraq on the North and the Arabian peninsula to the south, plus the Sudan and Ethiopia. With the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013, the Chinese government decided to expand its influence in the Middle East and the world in general and to provide an alternative source of financial assistance to some cash-strapped governments, helping them develop their infrastructure.. China is now the primary buyer of Middle Eastern oil, as about 72 percent of oil … The editorial boards of newspapers rarely employ strategists, so it should be no surprise when we see both the New York Times and the Washington Post openly wondering what America needs with Saudi Arabia. Mahan realized not only the strategic importance of the region, but also of its center, the Persian Gulf. The book offers a fresh perspective in advance of the 2020 presidential election. It’s time for new policies based on changing U.S. interests. U.S. policy in the Middle East has had very few successes in recent years. Other strategic partners like Morocco, Egypt, and Jordan do have higher priority, but they do not face the same level of instability and threats – requiring less outside U.S. effort. President, Middle East, Africa and South Asia, HVS. Its location, where Europe, Asia and Africa converge, gives it strategic importance. Consisting of … With a coordinated network of offices in Dubai, Riyadh, Nairobi, Lagos, Johannesburg, Cairo, and Istanbul, IDC MEA's team of analysts, consultants, and conference associates leverage extensive local knowledge to provide a comprehensive understanding of markets across the Middle East, Africa, and Turkey. Download as PDF Print. Sign up to receive The Evening, a daily brief on the news, events, and people shaping the world of international affairs. By resortaddiction. In an attempt to contain the spread of anti-government protests, the Iraqi government suspended access to social communications networks, including Face Book Messenger and WhatsApp. Four countries lie at the fringes of Europe, on the borders of the eastern Mediterranean— Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, and Israel—and all of them face a similar strategic predicament. The Belt and Road Initiative: A Catalyst for Strengthening Chinese Relations with MENA . Prime Minister Mahdi had resigned but then stayed on in an uncertain “acting” capacity. China, Japan, Korea, etc.). The unemployment rate, which was falling before the ISIS and oil crises hit, has increased beyond the 2012 level to 9.9 percent in 2017/18. It has not overpromised and is pursuing an active diplomatic strategy, which has cost Russia very little in blood or treasure. These problems are real, and they require short-term action that has to quickly react to the pressure of current events. The Middle East generally has a hot, arid climate, with several major rivers providing irrigation to support agriculture in limited areas such as the Nile Delta in Egypt, the Tigris and Euphrates watersheds of Mesopotamia (Iraq, Kuwait, and eastern Syria), and most of what is known as the Fertile Crescent. Providing these services in an environmentally sustainable way would also crucially increase each country’s re­silience and diminish their vulnerability in a chronically unstable region. First, deal with Iraq as a key long-term U.S. strategic objective and as a key to rebuilding U.S. influence and capability in the Gulf and the Middle East . The Middle East, once again, represents one of the world's most natural, strategic locations for concentration of trade and production. Jordan has the most centralized system of providing these services. The Modern Middle East 641 Words | 3 Pages. The IISS report also does not address the need for reform of Iraq’s police and internal security forces or for the creation of national defense force that can deter and defend against Iran or other outside powers. The United States' economic and cultural interests in the Arab Middle East, prior to World War II, were negligible, so there was little need to formulate a foreign policy specifically for the area. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, R.K. Pachauri and L.A. Meyer (eds.)]. Bengali, Hindi and Urdu are widely spoken by migrant communities in many Middle Eastern countries, such as Saudi Arabia (where 20–25% of the population is South Asian), the United Arab Emirates (where 50–55% of the population is South Asian), and Qatar, which have large numbers of Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Indian immigrants. Posted by 4 minutes ago. It is, however, only part of the story. "[15] After the series ended in 1903, The Times removed quotation marks from subsequent uses of the term. Iraq’s senior Shia cleric, Ayatollah al Sistani, endorsed the protests and issued a stark warning that “the people will come back even stronger” unless the government takes “clear and immediate steps” before it is too late. . While it is primarily spoken in Iran and some border areas in neighbouring countries, the country is one of the region's largest and most populous. Iran has sponsored attacks by Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces on U.S. troops and facilities – as a result, the United States has launched retaliatory attacks on Iraqi PMFs. French is taught and used in many government facilities and media in Lebanon, and is taught in some primary and secondary schools of Egypt and Syria. [36][37] It is also commonly taught and used as a second language, especially among the middle and upper classes, in countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Kurdistan, Iraq, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. A decline in oil revenue, without continued structural reforms, and the continuous rise in budget expenditure according to 2019 budget, will lead, sooner or later, to crisis-driven adjustments and stop-go recovery. 04.08.2021 02:41 News >> US, Indonesia Tout 'Growing Importance' Of Strategic Partnership 'US Indonesia strategic partnership is based on a fundamental belief in democracy,' says State Department. According to USAID, under these conditions, staff are only able to engage in the bare minimum coordination with other parts of the U.S. Government, with Government of Iraq, and other parts of the international community. However, prominent Shia clerics Muqtada al Sadr and Ammar al Hakim quickly announced their support for the protesters’ demands while criticizing the Prime Minister. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber. According to CJTF- OIR, these delays ranged from 6 weeks to up to 75 business days and “severely affected” the training and equipping of ISF personnel. The 4 caliphates that dominated the Middle East for more than 600 years were the Rashidun Caliphate, the Umayyad caliphate, the Abbasid caliphate and the Fatimid caliphate. [3][4][5] Several major religions have their origins in the Middle East, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The designation, Mashriq, also from the Arabic root for East, also denotes a variously defined region around the Levant, the eastern part of the Arabic-speaking world (as opposed to the Maghreb, the western part). Near East, Levant and Fertile Crescent are geographic concepts, which refer to large sections of the modern defined Middle East, with Near East being the closest to Middle East in its geographic meaning. With the disappearance of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, "Near East" largely fell out of common use in English, while "Middle East" came to be applied to the re-emerging countries of the Islamic world. Moreover, almost all of the U.S. civil aid effort is now focused on the short-term issues affecting minorities and the return of internally displaced persons – with some concern for development in the south and ending the separate oil export programs between the central government and the Kurdish Regional Government. Instability in the Horn of Africa has lasted for many years. USAID OFDA and FFP staff are participating remotely in key in-country meetings. The United States has already lost too much ground to have good options in Iraq and the Gulf, but it must at least avoid decisively losing round three. At the same time, the Department of Defense has reported that it spent over $765 billion on the Iraq conflict and the fight against ISIS as of March 31, 2019 – and this is only a fraction of the direct cost. It has over 147 billion barrels of proven oil reserves – some 9% of the world’s supply – and a very high ratio of reserves to actual production (4.6 MMBD in 2018). The firm has been active in the Middle East for the past 20 years, and 90% of its business is … Using the text and your own research, compare these early interests with contemporary American interests in the Middle East. Iraq must also match this civil progress with a security structure that can create a strong and independent enough Iraq to secure the Gulf region and the broader structure of the Middle East. From the 16th century onward, the Middle East came to be dominated, once again, by two main powers: the Ottoman Empire and the Safavid dynasty. The U.S. Department of Energy indicates that Iraq’s total oil expert earnings in 2018 totaled $91 billion. The modern Middle East began after World War I, when the Ottoman Empire, which was allied with the Central Powers, was defeated by the British Empire and their allies and partitioned into a number of separate nations, initially under British and French Mandates. Iraq would make an ideal addition to the current list of U.S. strategic partners – and this goal should be possible if it meets the expectations and desires of enough Iraqis. 2 ATLANTIC COUNCIL. At 48.7 percent, the country has one of the lowest labor force participation rates in the world, and in the region especially for women (12 percent) and youth (26 percent). Senior Vice President, Zbigniew Brzezinski Chair in Global Security and Geostrategy, and Director, Middle East Program, Defense Industry, Acquisition, and Innovation, Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation, Energy, Climate Change, and Environmental Impacts, Family Planning, Maternal and Child Health, and Immunizations, Download the Vignettes Collection: On the Ground, A Conversation with HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, Stories of Afghans Left Behind Will Hurt America around the World, The Future of Humanitarian Operations: Aid and Politics in Syria, Why Sustainable Public Utilities Are a Security Issue, Biden meets with foreign leaders as ambassadorships sit vacant. In the World Bank’s October 2019 overview of the economy of Iraq, the initial optimism that “Iraq’s economy is gradually picking up following the deep economic strains of the last four years” is followed by assessments that – buzzwords aside – have a very different character:7. In facing challenges of modernization, our Middle East and North Africa clients have complex requirements that benefit from our proven experience in guiding major programs and projects for governments and private-sector organizations. In the process, it opened up Syria to Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah. The United States needs to clearly understand that its key goal should support Iraq’s ability to be strong and independent rather than to create a new strategic partner. The series investigates Israel's expanding relations with Asia -- the forces propelling and impeding their growth, the progress made in their development, and their as yet unrealized potential. There is no point in funding more efforts than Iraq can make succeed – and whatever body manages the aid effort must be ruthlessly realistic. The concentration of so much of the world's hydrocarbons in the Middle East is a contributing factor to a slew of economic and national security problems affecting the region and the world at large. The staffing reductions coupled with the large portfolio create uncertainty as to how programs will be overseen remotely and whether USAID will have access to a regional platform to support its oversight activity. In German the term Naher Osten (Near East) is still in common use (nowadays the term Mittlerer Osten is more and more common in press texts translated from English sources, albeit having a distinct meaning) and in Russian Ближний Восток or Blizhniy Vostok, Bulgarian Близкия Изток, Polish Bliski Wschód or Croatian Bliski istok (meaning Near East in all the four Slavic languages) remains as the only appropriate term for the region. The United States takes a hardline stance against Iran without acting decisively on its words, and the U.S. President cannot seem to decide whether the United States will be withdrawing or staying in Iraq based on the day of the week. Overall, gaps remain among all CTS units in intelligence collection assets, intelligence data fusion, and logistics. CJTF-OIR reported that the CTS remains unable to execute operations quickly against ISIS. The Israel-China-U.S. Triangle and the Haifa Port Project. Strategic Importance of Defining the Enemy : This paper represents the views and opinions of the author. Other Western Iranic languages spoken in the region include Achomi, Daylami, Kurdish dialects, Semmani, Lurish, amongst many others. strategic uniqueness, the Middle East is the birthplace and spiritual center of the three most important monotheistic religions, namely Christianity, Judaism and Islam, as … The protesters faulted the al Mahdi government for failing to make meaningful progress on providing jobs and services. Iraq is making slow progress enacting laws and developing the institutions needed to implement economic policy, and political reforms are still needed to assuage investors' concerns regarding the uncertain business climate. In 2009 Arab countries received a total of US$35.1 billion in remittance in-flows and remittances sent to Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon from other Arab countries are 40 to 190 per cent higher than trade revenues between these and other Arab countries. It focused on defeating ISIS – relying heavily on Syrian Kurds in the process – and scored another “victory” in 2016-2018 by disbanding the ISIS “caliphate.”. Its legislature was virtually disbanded after legislation was passed calling for a different, locally elected, and more representative system. Excerpts from diaries, letters, legal documents, books, poems, and speeches accompany a detailed account of World War I. International organizations like the World Bank, IMF, and United Nations Development Program tend to make rote predictions on progress – when only some aspects of Iraqi government carry out partial systematic reforms – but if one looks at the actual data they provide on the Iraqi economy, one finds warnings that are far more grim:6. The United States faces an all too real risk that events in Iraq will trigger a much more serious clash between the United States and Iran in Iraq – as well as Iran in the rest of the region – not to mention that the United States will face major Iraqi hostility over its use of force in Iraq despite opposition from the Iraqi government. In the 1930s the United States assessed the importance of the Middle East as a land bridge among three continents. The civil program is a different story and was also a serious issue before the attacks on the U.S. Embassy and the withdrawal of even more U.S. personnel. French Jews to Israel, the discovery of oil there fueled modern-day rivalries between foreign looking. There was also the `` growing importance '' for the Indo-Pacific of their countries 30 ], Peter ;,. From 2004 to 2010 Washington USA etc. ) strategic importance of middle east in Iraq will be relatively secure against ISIS etc )! 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