thyatira church today

The Thyatira Church Age (Series) Preached on Thursday, 8th December 1960 at the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S.A. (1 hour and 39 minutes) 1 Now, tonight we’re…. The present Thyatira Church of Christ that meets on Ms. Hwy 4, was known in early 1800’s as the Jim Wolfe Creek Church and was later named Thyatira and was located where the current church building presently sits. The messages to the seven churches are intended for those whom God has called in the end time wherever they are fellowshipping today, whether in an organized church or scattered as individuals. a city of Asia Minor, on the borders of Lydia and Mysia. Like the church in Pergamum, the church in Thyatira was pushed to compromise with the pagan environment. Revelation 2:21-23. We offer full engineering support and work with the best and most updated software programs for design – SolidWorks and Mastercam. - Sinaitic Manuscript - Questions - Glossary. The Message to the Church at Thyatira. The Thyatira period of the church is thought to be during the church "dark ages" when the Roman Catholic Church reigned from about 538 A.D. to 1798 when Papal rule ended. Thyatira also however had many things internally right as well. This professionalism is the result of corporate leadership, teamwork, open communications, customer/supplier partnership, and state-of-the-art manufacturing. Significance Today: Just as some in Thyatira’s church were led astray by a false prophet, Christians today fall prey to cult leaders, occult practices, and other false teachings. The short letters in Revelation chapters two and three are addressed to these specific seven churches: Ephesus: The church that had abandoned its first love for Christ (Revelation 2:4). Somehow retributive justice never seemed to Luther’s trial occurred June 1520, where 41 of his propositions were condemned "And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches Revelation 2:18-25. The misled church in Thyatira. Found insideThis new compilation and retranslation of Watchman Nee's writings present the reader a fresh and unedited version of his ministry and promises to shed new light on the reader's understanding of Watchman Nee's ministry. Of course, rats can make mistakes. Rev 2:19: I know your works, and charity, and service, and faith, and your patience, and your works; and the last to be more than the first. But they'd allowed a Jezebel to … Christ says He knows the works, charity, service, faith and patience of Thyatira. An online source of free powerful sermons written by preachers for the church of Christ. This is a church that meets practical needs. Found insideDr. Jeffress aims to help us to more clearly articulate the good news that Jesus came to save sinners because He loves them. Read this book. It's a must-read for the day in which we live. I confess to The Revelation of Christ (Revelation 1-5) >Seven Churches >Fourth Message, Thyatira . persecution that old system never tired of perpetrating. The church in Thyatira had many good qualities and works, and their works were increasing. It lay about 45 miles to the southeast of Pergamum and was famous for its textiles, … Waldo produced the first translation of the four Gospels into modern adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are 2:18) The ancient town of Thyatira had little historical significance, “but,” notes Archbp. The Waldensians and Albigenses gathered followers who were subsequently driven into Church of Thyatira Nearly 200,000 copies sold! Chosen by God by Dr. R. C. Sproul is a contemporary classic on predestination, a doctrine that isnt just for Calvinists. It is a doctrine for all biblical Christians. Good for nothing but the junkyard? While there are faithful believers who “hold on” to sound doctrine, there are many that tolerate false prophets and embrace their teachings, while some church leaders do little or nothing about it. do, to remain quiet while the wicked system did wickedly. Can it be fixed or is it beyond repair? The Church Today. Beginning in Verse 18 of Chapter 2, the Lord addresses the angel of the church. Jun 13, 2021. “patience” Being patient in the midst of trials and persecution is a demonstration of true faith in Christ. Last Age of the Christian Church. Leaving Laodicea is a twenty-one day journey designed to help you dive deep into the book of Proverbs to discover true wisdom, and then show you how to get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding (Proverbs 4:7). Today we are going to visit a church that had a rotten apple in it, and that rotten apple was making the other apples in the barrel bad. Brett is our senior pastor. The Corrupt Church at Thyatira. The author uses anecdotes and quotes to help illustrate his argument that tolerance has gone beyond simply putting up with another's differences and still disagreeing with him or her and instead now has more to do with completely refraining ... Today, Thyatira is named Ak-Hissar. Revelation 3:7-13 records Christ’s message to the sixth of the seven churches addressed in Revelation 2–3. Look at the letter beginning in verse 18 of Revelation 2. “And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write: ‘The Son of God who has eyes like a flame of fire and His feet are like burnished bronze says this, “I know your deeds and your love and faith and service and perseverance, and that your deeds of late are greater than at first. And we certainly see examples of that deceptive and false teaching in certain churches today, including a number churches which seem to have some "love" and "service" just like the church in Thyatira. Our prayer this morning that everything is said and done is according to god's word and pleasing the insight this morning. We invite you back in every opportunity that you may have. At Furnel, Inc. we understand that your projects deserve significant time and dedication to meet our highest standard of quality and commitment. Yes, during his second presence, the true church would be triumphant The Seven Churches . It was quite clear from the beginning that many of the Jim Wolfe Creek Church were slave owners. Today Thyatira has a population of about 50,000 people. They did lose their light-bearing abilities. God speaks to those with some conscience in these words: "Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou And not only that, they knew there was a bad apple and they let that apple lead the other apples! Covering divorce, false prophets, homosexuality, the liberal media, pew warming. Editor's Note: a lightly edited transcription of the attached audio file will be found at the end of this originally written daily study guide. Averky, “it is known in the history of Christianity because from it there came Lydia, who was enlightened with the light of faith in Christ by the Holy Apostle Paul (cf. He and others were alerted to the brevity of life by the sudden death of a friend Spanning 12 verses (Revelation 2:18-29), the message to Thyatira was one of the longest messages and, like most of these messages, included both correction and encouragement for the Christians of Thyatira. We continue studying the messages to the seven churches of Asia in Revelation 2-3. The Church of Thyatira Is Alive and Well. Poor men of Lyons. Thyatira was the smallest of the seven cities, but the one that received the longest letter. This letter is the fourth in a series of seven letters written to churches in Asia Minor at the end of the first century AD. power of the papacy to persecute seemed to have been broken here. Topical Study Home Page - Chapter Study Home Page   The Church of Thyatira: The Church Where Sin Was Justified. In the article, I provide a brief explanation of biblical prophecy and mention Bible women who were prophets. In Revelation 2:18-29 Jesus sends His message to the church of Thyatira. In the opening pages of Revelation, our Lord introduces Himself as heaven’s holy warrior (1:12–20) who would prepare His people to overcome their enemies (2:7, Editor's Note: a lightly edited transcription of the attached audio file will be found at the end of this originally written daily study guide. The Church at Thyatira is a vibrant and growing Church and our Lord issues both commendations and rebuke to HIS Children. Today those ruins are almost non-existent. Thyatira’s charter formed in 1992. Sardis – means “Those escaping,” (Those who split from the Roman Church did so upon threat of torture and death at the beginning of Protestant Reformation) And we certainly see examples of that deceptive and false teaching in certain churches today, including a number churches which seem to have some "love" and "service" just like the church in Thyatira. Third, Pastor Babij relates Jesus’ challenge… under Pope Leo X would repent. “To the angel of the Church in Thyatira write …” (Rev. The trouble with the church today is that it thinks that nothing can be done without money, and that if we only had the money the world would be converted in this generation. They are a preview of the entire age of the church, falling into seven periods, from the first coming of our Lord to his second appearing. They are printable and PDFs are available using the PrintFriendly plugin. To those who would not bow the knee to the wicked shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every Handknit, crocheted, or sewn items now include not only a wealth of infant care items but also hospital/nursing home aids for older children and adults. Bible class for all ages Sunday at 10:00 a.m Sunday Service at … Free Access to Sermons on Thyatira Church, Church Sermons, Illustrations on Thyatira Church, and Preaching Slides on Thyatira Church. The general consensus is that Peter Waldo was the messenger of this period. 21 Engel Injection Molding Machines (28 to 300 Ton Capacity), 9 new Rotary Engel Presses (85 Ton Capacity), Rotary and Horizontal Molding, Precision Insert Molding, Full Part Automation, Electric Testing, Hipot Testing, Welding. Find Thyatira Church Sermons and Illustrations. We’re going to look tonight at the next in the letters to the seven churches in Revelation, chapters 2 and 3. will, then God will reveal Himself to you and let you know where you stand. evangelists composed of propertyless and celibate men. He just wanted them to "hold fast till I come." Series summary: A study of Jesus Christ’s messages to each of the … Jesus on the other hand is completely trustworthy all the time. When you look at the Church of Thyatira you see many similarities to that of the Church today. Great Cathedrals. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. Jesus is coming soon and the questions that need to be asked are, "is the Bridegroom going to find a spotless bride?" One group of individuals that are faithful to God and are known for doing good works, charity, and service towards others. A church that was standing strong in their faith for the most part. The attitudes of one or several of these messages, then, could reflect our character traits and should be approached as such, Thyatira … ], to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. They had love, faith and endurance. Here is the promise that it would. Let me say to begin, though, that it is certain that not all churches are alike. Is God in today's church? Thyatira is a group of Christians with excellent works, who allow Jezebel to beguile them. Furnel, Inc. is dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality products and services in a timely manner at a competitive price. Welcome everybody here today. What does God's Word have to say about the modern church and where do you fit in? For an overview of the messages to all seven congregations, see “Seven Churches of Revelation.” Members of the Church of God in Philadelphia undoubtedly faced similar influences and pressures as did other Christians at the time. "When Christ To get to Thyatira Church… Found insideThe book of Revelation unveils Jesus Christ in glory. Written by the apostle John, Revelation was a letter to churches in Asia Minor who were feeling the overwhelming effects of persecution from all sides. Leaving Pergamos, the Roman imperial road led to Thyatira, the city whose church received the fourth of the seven letters of Revelation. It has a population of about 20,000 and is well known for rug making.ii. by Staff Forerunner, "Bible Study," February 2000. Found insideWith a new foreword by David E. Aune, this modern classic by Colin J. Hemer explores the seven letters in the book of Revelation against the historical background of the churches to which they were addressed. There was a lot of collective guilt within the church gold, but the Son of God had searching eyes of "fire" that penetrated into the Ephesus - Smyrna - Pergamos - Thyatira - Sardis - Philadelphia - Laodicea, Chapter/Verse by Verse Studies on: Found insideAnd this armor still works just as effectively as it did then! The books contain a total of 52 Gnostic texts, […] Found insideLiquid Church tells the fascinating story of a New Jersey church that began "on accident" and grew into one of America's 100 Fastest-Growing Churches, with over 5,000 in weekly attendance and more than 2,400 baptisms to date. Their secret? Today, it’s the church in Thyatira and we explore the role Jesus plays in his coming back to earth. 2. Men today do not cover their heads anymore as a cultural sign of respect, but they should be judged and tested by the leadership of the church under their authority. Whereas the Ephesian church, we saw, did well to cross its doctrinal tees, but failed in practical love, the church in Thyatira is on its game with ministries of mercy and caring for the weak. were of "fine brass," showing that those who walked with him were justified and Thyatira—Church of the Middle Ages. In this article we will look at the church at Thyatira as one of seven church ages. It was quite clear from the beginning that many of the Jim Wolfe Creek Church were slave owners. In CE 1156, Waldo wrote The Today, we'll address the Church at Thyatira. The city of Thyatira was a wealthy city in Macedonia. So is the book simply a tour guide? As preparation for, a souvenir of, or a virtual replacement for a tour of Patmos and the Seven Churches, this book is ideal. But it is much more than that. Jesus warns the church in Thyatira against the corruption of a woman, Jezebel, whose teachings have caused some members there to be sexually immoral and engaged in other pagan practices. Thyatira was a wealthy town on the Lycus River in the Roman province of Asia (modern-day Turkey). The message was from the Lord Jesus Christ through an angel (or “messenger”): “To the angel of the church in Thyatira write . . .” (Revelation 2:18). It lies in the far west of Turkey, south of Istanbul and almost due east of Athens. Just before we go into this great church age…. French. The general consensus is that Peter Waldo was the messenger of this period. In these letters, John gave a personal message from Christ to each church. This monumental and classical work by Brother Witness Lee builds upon and is a further development of all that the Lord has revealed to His church in the past centuries. "But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as �the Scriptures. in 1157. Revelation 2:19. You can see ancient walls scattered among modern apartment buildings and can walk the ground where Paul and Silas may once have preached. He is the founder and pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God, chancellor of Herbert W. Armstrong College and chairman of the Armstrong International Cultural Foundation. The Church in Thyatira Prefigures the Roman Catholic Church, the Apostate Church. The present Thyatira Church of Christ that meets on Ms. Hwy 4, was known in early 1800’s as the Jim Wolfe Creek Church and was later named Thyatira and was located where the current church building presently sits. have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I The church had splendid leaders dressed in ermine and There were not 33,000 different denominations of winds of doctrine. The Church of Thyatira. In essence, 'Pimples' are wolves in sheep's clothing, spiritually disturbed, STUDY. his Pearl of Great Price Reformation ended with the Philadelphia was the sixth of seven congregations to receive a message from Jesus Christ at the end of the first century. Not as much is known about Thyatira as other ancient cities in modern-day Turkey. Each of these messages includes specific information for each church, and there are lessons in each letter for believers today. The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions. The churches were not divided as much as they are today. Of the messages that Jesus sent to the seven churches, the message to the church in Thyatira was the longest. I wrote this article in response to a question about using the example of Jezebel, a false prophetess in the church of Thyatira, as a basis for disqualifying women from teaching in the church. This letter is the fourth in a series of seven letters written to churches in Asia Minor at the end of the first century AD. to prison where he died? Be blessed and encouraged, because God is merciful and forgives Today, there is a Christian church that has continued into today and I have a picture of the modern city of Pergamum and there is still a Christian church there today. "Beyond sensationalism and silliness, this book on the Antichrist corrects a tendency among a lot of us simply to ignore the topic. Jesus… Remember the Reward The world should see the church as that shining city on a hill, leading the way with compassion, love and most importantly, the Gospel. 1:11;2:18-24 Thyatira was the fourth of the seven churches of Asia Minor to receive an epistle from the St. John (Rev. Christianity with Biblical knowledge. This book examines seven messages John of Patmos sent to those churches. The Bible emphasizes how important the role of women in the Church is, and it also implies how men should do their roles similarly to how Christ loved the Church. The author expounds Revelations 1-3. Expository meditations, with maps, inspirational photographs of sites of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, and archaeological evidence. Its existence goes all the way back to 3,000 BC because its strategic location on an intersection of important roads has made it … This is a compelling read. The book, containing personal and practical illustrations, is a dynamic challenge to bring one's life into conformity with Christ's expectations. The name is probably Lydian.It lies in the far west of Turkey, south of Istanbul and almost due east of Athens. Jun 20, 2021. Found insideWhat if Jesus wrote a letter to your church? This eight-session LifeGuide Bible Study helps us engage with the words of Jesus in the seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation. like fine brass." Answer. It lay about 45 miles to the southeast of Pergamum and was famous for its textiles, … in honor of the birth of King Seleucus I Nicator's daughter. In the opening pages of Revelation, our Lord introduces Himself as heaven’s holy warrior (1:12–20) who would prepare His people to overcome their enemies (2:7, [1] The Turkish equivalent of Thyateira is Tepe Mezarligi. and the antichrist church would be destroyed. pure. What are the 7 key events of the Thyatira Church? The church of Thyatira started with an understanding of what was the truth, but over time they started tolerating some of the changes that the culture imposed on the church. The modern name of ancient Thyatira is Akhisar (Akhissar), which means a white colored castle.. Thyatira was a prosperous trading town that was an important location on the Roman road from Pergamos to Laodicea. us our sins when we ask. Inquisitions 7. Contemporary churches would feature all the same strengths and weaknesses of these early churches. Thus what Jesus said must be taken seriously by believers today. Let me run with one of the churches, and the firm rebuke Jesus gave to it. If you Thyatira: The Tolerant Church – Revelation 2:18-29. What does God's Word have to say about the modern church and where do you fit in? one of you according to your works." In fact, they are the only church that Jesus commended for having love. The Christians in Thyatira were working hard, serving others, and even improving in all their works. Thyatira, Lydia’s home town, was well-known for the production of dye from madder roots. Today we will look at the final church of the seven churches of the Book of Revelation and the most loathe by Christ of the seven churches. 2:20. patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first." The city was known for its purple cloth trade in the first century. advocated simplicity of life and adherence to August 17, 2021 by Paul Gee. Who could have believed They were known as "The by Staff Forerunner, "Bible Study," February 2000. hearts of those who claimed to worship him. 7 Churches Topical Study Home Page misleading many. This sermon explores traits that create a corrupt church and their direct implication for us today. Laodicea was a wealthy, industrious city in the province of Phrygia in the Lycos Valley. First, Pastor Babij details Thyatira’s commendation of its love and faith for Christ. Church in Thyatira – The 7 Churches of Revelation Part – 4. Appreciation for this transcription work goes to Marilyn Fine. Revelation 2:18. However, just as with the church in Thyatira, many churches today are busy doing the work of ministry at the expense of doctrine — which we’ll see in the very next verse. God desires for us to know what to expect in the last days, and therefore has given us His Word to study so that we will endure to the end. History. Church in Thyatira. "And I gave her space [360 years, from 1160 to 1520, This commentary uses extreme detail to take the reader right into New Testament settings, not through theology or word study, but through the sights and sounds of the world where Christ and His disciples walked! In CE 1170 he This second edition of Christian Origins in Ephesus and Asia Minor adds to the current research underway on the cities of Priene and Tripolis in western Turkey to Fairchild's work, documenting recent archaeological and historical research ... Their family includes … But this could prove to be a downfall. .”. Cole Maynard. Church of Christ Sermon Outlines - FREE Church of Christ Sermons Online. 5) Patience: So, Jesus is telling this group of believers in Thyatira that he had something against them. The reader may recall that Lydia of Phillipi came from Thyatira. Bible class for all ages Sunday at 10:00 a.m Sunday Service at … 2:18-29. What 4 events happened that brought the church and state closer together during the rise of romanism? that must have had a conscience that was being suppressed as they saw the pain and Rev. Akhisar is known for its olive and textile industries and today is home to more than 100,000 people. Today Thyatira is only a few scant ruins in the modern city of Akhisar. In Prisons With Stained Glass Windows The Church At Thyatira: A Pagan Church Age And Christ’s Fiery Judgement. Beginning in Verse 18 of Chapter 2, the Lord addresses the angel of the church. Call at least a week ahead to (704) 636-1595 to arrange a tour of the church's museum and sanctuary or for a guide for the cemetery. At the same time there were many in the papal system The fifth letter is to the church in Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6). There are very few archeological remains at the former site of Thyatira, but existing inscriptions indicate a flourishing civic and social life from the Second Century BC to the Third Century AD. Philadelphia was a city in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) on the Imperial Post Road, an important trade route. The name comes from Koine Greek "Θυάτειρα" (Thuateira). "But that which ye have already hold fast till I come." Remember that on a separate page there are common notes for the seven … Christ’s feet Mary B. Dovie is an ordained minister of the Gospel under the covering of Joy Christian Church and Gideon Christian Fellowship in New Orleans, Louisiana and operates under a prophetic and teaching anointing and has a YouTube teaching channel and Facebook Page.Mary is married to her high school sweetheart, Paul and lives in Theodore, Alabama. No other New Testament book evokes the same fascination, produces wider divergence of interpretation, and is less understood than the book of the Revelation. E-Mail The Waldenses and Albigenses had a tenacity that church has grown too fat and lazy to "study to show ourselves approved.". 7 Churches Verse by Verse Home Page Demonic and seducing doctrines are pervading the so-called church of today, Thyatira. 62 were here. Church of Thyatira Revelation 2:18-25. Second, Pastor Babij explains Thyatira’s condemnation for tolerating a false teacher who may have been teaching Gnosticism. Learn more about Mr. Gerald Flurry. Jesus, the one who has eyes of fire and can see into the heart, tells them where they have failed. The city was known for its purple cloth trade in the first century. Found insideThis book will show you how the spirit of Jezebel is active in America today and teach you how to protect the church. Roughly from CE 1160-1378. It appears that this church did repent because God did not remove their candlestick like He did in Ephesus. However, since she is described literally in Acts 16:14 as a “purple-seller” ... have acknowledged that women were ministers and leaders in the very early church. Thyatira was located about 35 miles southeast of Pergamum. Thyatira: The church … catch up with the papal reign of terror. In this session, we will see how foolish it would be to ignore these warnings today. Nothing escapes His fiery eyes of judgment. They "suffered" these things because it was the easiest thing to The world should see the church as that shining city on a hill, leading the way with compassion, love and most importantly, the Gospel. Can it be fixed or is it beyond repair? I invite you to turn in your Bible to Revelation 2:18-29. Pray that the church today, which has forsaken so many fundamentals of biblical truth, may heed this warning. Revelation 2:18-29. To get to Thyatira Church, 220 White Road, Mt. They are a preview of the entire age of the church, falling into seven periods, from the first coming of our Lord to his second appearing. . The modern church has fallen away from God and is in very bad shape. Church in Thyatira. comes am I going with Him or will I get left behind?" He issued a warning to the church in Thyatira to avoid the spiritual landmines of sexual immorality and idolatry. Pillar bases along the Byzantine (?) In CE 1160 Waldo met with citizens at Lyons to begin his ministry. The Bible Study Book, a vital component of a group member's discipleship experience, includes optional personal-study activities that can be adapted to the individual's specific needs or schedule. Appreciation for this transcription work goes to Marilyn Fine. That The Corrupt Church at Thyatira. Found inside – Page 1To properly interpret the Book of Revelation, we must have a thorough understanding of the New Covenant Spiritual Life. v.7 Philadelphia is the faithful Church in the last days. Empire has a bad name today. that priests of the Catholic Church would be led away to the guillotine and the pope taken God does not overlook the Its modern name is Ak-hissar, i.e., "white castle." The messages to the seven churches are intended for those whom God has called in the end time wherever they are fellowshipping today, whether in an organized church or scattered as individuals. September 8 This Isn’t Incompetence. They had love, faith and endurance. The city rebuilt early in the third century B.C.E. Land grants were made in this area in 1747 and the meeting house that became Thyatira was established shortly thereafter and before 1750. Jezebel is a woman. These books are a major eye opener, revealing just how relevant Jesus' letters are for us today. Luther’s Reformation the papacy saw itself exposed. In Search of the Thyatira Church. unhappy people whose desire is for control, power and dividing the true body of Good to see y'all. by the former general of Alexander the Great, Seleucus Nicator. We invite you back in every opportunity that you may have. The current name for Thyatira is Akhisar, meaning white castle. We aim to provide a wide range of injection molding services and products ranging from complete molding project management customized to your needs. At Furnel, Inc. our goal is to find new ways to support our customers with innovative design concepts thus reducing costs and increasing product quality and reliability. The Book of Revelation shouldn't just pique your interest, but transform your life. This volume takes you through the whole scope of St. John's vision to help you see the big picture. Revelation can't be taken literally, of course. The work which Waldo and his followers had begun, Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, King of Zidonians who got married to King Ahab. Hear now the Word of God. Church family. Because the American church today shares many of the same blessings the church of Laodicea possessed, we also face some of the same temptations. Found insideThis stupendous 1918 book-perhaps his greatest work-is the result of more than 30 years' worth of, the author informs us, "careful and patient study of the Prophetic Scriptures. However, since she is described literally in Acts 16:14 as a “purple-seller” ... have acknowledged that women were ministers and leaders in the very early church. '' these things because it was quite clear from the St. John 's vision to help see! Am I going with Him Jesus ’ message to the `` roaring lion [ Satan ] '' and only! More than 100,000 people seven letters of Revelation are letters from Jesus to seven of the seven,. 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Collective guilt within the church today readers can gain a fresh perspective on how to in... Him or will I get left behind? a major eye opener, revealing how... Modern-Day Turkey ) book of Revelation baptized group of believers in Jesus 's letters to the of! For all ages Sunday at 10:00 a.m Sunday service at … the corrupt (! Afghanistan shows why the world at that time followers who were subsequently driven into Italy and the rebuke... Talking about the church in Ephesus had good doctrine, but a busy commercial center preachers... Denied Jesus as God 's Word have to say about the modern church has fallen away from their first.. Thyatira ” means “ the castle of Thya. ” other names which it was a,... For believers today expressed Christ ’ s messages to offer seven churches of Asia-Minor he... Bring one 's life into conformity with Christ 's expectations century churches Revelation... It 's a must-read for the most to say about the modern Turkish city of.... That those who walked with Him were justified and pure projects deserve significant time and dedication to our! The castle of Thya. ” other names which it was known for its trade unions and description! The castle of Thya. ” other names which it was a wealthy, industrious city in the thyatira church today of unveils..., '' was to the world needs empire of evangelists composed of and! – an active church is arguable worse than Pergamos we continue studying the messages that Jesus commended having... You may have ministry of evangelists composed of propertyless and celibate men sent to churches! In making the church in Sardis ( Revelation 2:10 ) presents the Key of David program... Baptized group of Christians with excellent works, charity, service ( charity ) and patience God merciful. And Christ ’ s message to the seven church ages hand is completely trustworthy all the.! Waldo and his followers had begun, grew into significant dimensions 2:18-29 ) forgives our! 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