what is happening in venezuela

Intelligence and security forces have detained and tortured military personnel accused of plotting against the government. Of more than 15,500 people arrested since 2014 in connection with protests—including demonstrators, bystanders, and people taken from their homes without warrants—some 9,255 had been conditionally released as of September 2020 but remained subject to prosecution. In July, it reported on lack of judicial independence in Venezuela and abuses committed in the Orinoco Mining Arc, as mandated by the council. Found insideA portrait of Venezuela's controversial president discusses his avowed anti-American stance, exploring how his position regarding big business, the Bush administration, and social reform have polarized his country during the years leading ... Venezuela is, after all, one of the biggest suppliers of petroleum to the United States. If you’re wondering what exactly is going on in Venezuela and why the U.S. is getting involved, you’re not alone. According to the Venezuelan constitution, if the office of the president is vacant, the leader of the National Assembly automatically becomes interim president while new elections are convened. Found inside – Page 87IT HAPPENED AT THE END OF OCTOBER party in which Faria and Lovera , representa . last year , in the center of Caracas ... buildings of University City , which see this from the biographies of Luis Emiro adorn the capital of Venezuela . Found inside – Page 14488 is not about Venezuela ; it is also about who we are as a Nation . We often take for granted the freedoms that we enjoy as Americans , but when we witness events like those happening in Venezuela , where Maduro silences dissent by ... And so far, the opposition has refused to take part in a separate negotiation process led by Mexico and Uruguay. In his remarks today at Florida International University in Miami, President Donald Trump reiterated his administration’s support for Venezuela’s opposition leadership, proclaimed that the days of socialism in Latin America are “numbered,” and urged Venezuela’s military forces to end their support for Maduro. Venezuela What is happening in Venezuela? In the most vulnerable neighborhoods, 14.4 percent of children under five are malnourished, Caritas, a nongovernmental organization, reported in July. Illegal mining in Bolívar state is controlled by criminal groups—“syndicates”—which police citizens, impose abusive working conditions, and viciously treat those accused of theft and other offenses, sometimes dismembering and killing them in front of others. Representatives of the two sides sign an agreement in Mexico City to start talks mediated by Norway. In turn, the United States is one of Venezuela’s biggest customers. Hopefully, by now you realize the importance of being prepared for disaster. Difficulty accessing legal status in other countries and economic hardship as a result of measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 have led approximately 130,000 to return since March 2020. On Feb. 12, Venezuelan Youth Day and the commemoration of the independence battle of La Victoria, some university students and traditional conservative opposition groups … Miguel Tinker Salas. Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour. The European Union has effectively given Nicolás Maduro an ultimatum, saying that if there is no “announcement on the organization of fresh elections with the necessary guarantees over the next days, the EU will take further actions, including on th… March 4, 2014. The government has not published epidemiological data since 2017, when the health minister released figures showing maternal mortality increasing by 65 percent in 2016, and infant mortality by 30 percent. Found insideI'd already told him the news that Víctor had brought me from Venezuela. The girl didn't play shy and went straight to ... I replied: “Well, I have to talk to him and see what's happening.” That night, while Felipe and I sat at home, ... Supreme Court justices have openly rejected the separation of powers and have consistently upheld abusive policies and practices. As of November 2, Venezuela had confirmed 92,325 cases of Covid-19 and 801 deaths. The humanitarian, health and economic challenges are more complicated because of a significant ongoing leadership conflict between Nicolas Maduro, who won a heavily disputed election in May 2018, and Juan Guaidó, […] In recent weeks, there have been strong protests against the president of… Lack of basic X-ray equipment, laboratory tests, intensive care beds, and respirators likely heightens the death rate. It maintains an in-country presence and has provided regular oral updates to the UN Human Rights Council in 2020 describing ongoing abuses, such as arbitrary arrests, torture, and forced disappearances, as well as on the dire humanitarian situation. For more than a decade, the government has expanded and abused its power to regulate media and close dissenting outlets. One year ago, when there was no Juan Guaidó and no end of usurpation in sight, there was almost no one in Caracas that didn’t have plans to leave the country. Many of these deaths may constitute extrajudicial executions, according to OHCHR. Some 5.5 million of an estimated 32 million Venezuelans have fled their country since 2014, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported in October. The Supreme Court ruled in July 2019 that she no longer had to regularly present herself before the courts, but she was not allowed to leave the country, speak to media, or use social media. Oil is the main product that it sells to the rest of … CARACAS, Venezuela. What is happening in Venezuela right now is school example of coup , already seen in Libia , Siria , Ukraina and so on. They engage in murder, rape, forced labor, and child recruitment to establish social control. With both sides dug in, an international monitor could be the best hope for helping Venezuela to resolve the impasse and transitionto a functioning democracy, said Geoff Ramsey, an assistant director for the Venezuela unit at the Washington Office on Latin America. Sed eget tincidunt nulla, posuere elementum ligula. Months after general elections were indefinitely postponed in December and the Supreme Court temporarily took control in March of the opposition-led Congress, tens of thousands of people have now taken part in anti-government protests in Venezuela. Venezuela has been at a political impasse since Juan Guaidó, the National Assembly president, claimed he was taking power as interim president of Venezuela in January 2019. The assembly, consisting exclusively of government supporters, has effectively replaced the National Assembly. Many Venezuelans abroad remain uncounted. Armed groups—including the National Liberation Army, Patriotic Forces of National Liberation, and groups that emerged from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia—operate mostly in border states. The US is actually Argentina in 1910 - when it had the fifth largest GDP in the world. Venezuela’s president hopes a US deal will open the floodgates to foreign investment and help create … Venezuelans have been taking to the streets since early April demanding elections, the sacking of … Found insideThe editors of Venezuela Before Chávez, who each played a policymaking role in the country’s economy during the past two decades, have brought together a group of economists and political scientists to examine systematically the impact ... Scenarios #1 and #2 depend on a military that stays loyal to the incumbent — Maduro. Impunity is the norm, and residents say security forces and local authorities often collude with the armed groups. The exodus of Venezuelans fleeing repression and shortages of food, medicine, and medical supplies represents the largest migration crisis in recent Latin American history. Corruption, weak security, deteriorating infrastructure, overcrowding, insufficient staffing, and poorly trained guards allow armed gangs effectively to control detainees. In May, an uprising at Los Llanos prison in Portuguesa state—protesting guards’ withholding of food brought by families, which prisoners rely on—resulted in 47 deaths and 75 injuries, the NGO Venezuelan Observatory of Prisons reported. Pablo Toro, a Venezuelan food delivery driver in Colombia, uses digital tokens every time he sends money to his family. Call 307-742-2176 for information on activities and registration. From massive shortages of food and medicine to an interim president and possible U.S. intervention, the situation in Venezuela has been complex and fast moving in recent months. Popular president- elected democratically. Subscribe to Here’s the Deal, our politics newsletter for analysis you won’t find anywhere else. https://truthout.org/articles/what-is-happening-in-venezuela Limited access to water in hospitals and homes, and overcrowding in low-income areas and prisons, likely contribute to rapid spread. Given the limited availability of reliable testing, lack of government transparency, and persecution of medical professionals and journalists who report on the pandemic, the actual numbers are likely much higher. In a meeting in October, participating foreign ministers committed themselves to strengthening international cooperation to address Venezuela’s migration and humanitarian crises. In July, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) reported 16 cases of alleged torture and ill-treatment from June 2019 to May 2020, saying the actual number could be “significantly higher.” The cases include severe beatings with boards, suffocation with plastic bags and chemicals, waterboarding, electric shocks to eyelids and genitals, exposure to cold temperatures, and being handcuffed for extended periods of time. She spent a year in prison and several under house arrest while charges were pending against her. Excessive use of pretrial detention contributes to overcrowding. Found inside – Page 1In Channeling the State, Naomi Schiller explores how and why Catia TVe's founders embraced alliances with Venezuelan state officials and institutions. The extent to which the sanctions are in fact having this impact, and whether the government would have used any additional resources to help its people, is unclear. Supporters of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, who many nations have recognized as the country's rightful interim ruler, wait for Guaido to attend a meeting with volunteers to coordinate humanitarian aid in Caracas, Venezuela on February 16, 2019. If it happened there, it can happen here. They used a state of emergency implemented in response to Covid-19 as an excuse to punish dissent and intensify their control over the population. “The state pays for almost all imports using hard currency from the oil sector, which generates deep incentives for corruption and is why food and medicine are already scarce.”. Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 90 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice, Human Rights Watch is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 13-2875808. “We don’t know that these oil sanctions will cause the regime to fall, but we absolutely know that the humanitarian crisis will get far worse,” Ramsey said. Found insideThe migration of Venezuelans is a phenomenon that has its own characteristics, differing significantly from other ... “I am aware of the pain experienced by so many Venezuelans, and while I express concern for what's happening, ... Most healthcare centers face severe shortages of basic equipment such as gloves, face masks, alcohol gel, and soap. An expert on Venezuela weighs in on the current crisis. The South American country has been caught in a … Venezuela is experiencing a lot of severe social issues, including an increasingly politicized military, rampant violent crime, high inflation and shortage of basic consumer goods, medicine and medical supplies. There are also some environmental problems. Hyperinflation in Venezuela is the currency instability in Venezuela that began in 2016 during the country's ongoing socioeconomic and political crisis. Venezuela’s economy has shrunk to half its size since 2014, it is the most indebted country in the world, and oil production has plummeted to levels not seen in more … In this captivating essay, she contends that political systems with radically simple beliefs are inherently appealing, especially when they benefit the loyal to the exclusion of everyone else. Agents of FAES, a special police force, and others have killed and tortured with impunity in low-income communities, instilling fear and maintaining social control. In September, the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission created by the UN Human Rights Council to investigate allegations of atrocities since 2014 concluded that there were reasonable grounds to believe that pro-government groups and high-level authorities, including Maduro, had committed violations amounting to crimes against humanity, including extrajudicial executions, politically motivated detention and torture, and abuses against protesters. UNOCHA estimates an 80 percent shortage of contraceptive methods and reported that 352 women died during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum in 2019. As a member of the UN Human Rights Council, Venezuela votes regularly to prevent scrutiny of human rights violations, including in Syria, Yemen, Myanmar, Belarus, Burundi, Eritrea, and Iran. Many Venezuelans abroad remain in irregular status, undermining their ability to obtain work permits, send children to school, and access health care, while making them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. The government invested less in social programs, which worsened the situation for the country’s inhabitants. Several governments have imposed targeted sanctions on Venezuelan officials implicated in human rights abuses and corruption. Days later, the minister was fired. Plaza Bolivar in Caracas, Venezuela Many people have asked me how they can understand what’s really happening in Venezuela based on information from public institutions such as the U.S. government and the mainstream media. This eye-opening book illuminates one of the most sweeping and unexpected political transformations in contemporary Latin America. ... Marta Lucía Ramírez, who declared that what "is happening today is the bet that Maduro has made (…) for Marquez, Santrich and the 'Narcotalia'". Government lockdowns to curb the spread of Covid-19 have caused migrants to lose their jobs in the informal sector and approximately 130,000 have made arduous journeys back to Venezuela, many on foot. On Sunday, Maduro expelled a team of five European Union officials from Venezuela, further escalating the dispute over efforts to bring humanitarian aid into the country. It is very important to do a geopolitical analysis. Many families are having difficulties feeding older children, in part due to the decline of school meal programs. The government has used the Covid-19 state of emergency as a pretext to repress dissent, arbitrarily detaining and prosecuting dozens of political opponents, including legislators, journalists, healthcare workers who criticize the government’s handling of the pandemic, and lawyers who provide legal support to demonstrators protesting lack of access to water, gasoline, or medicines. “At that point, the Maduro regime had to decide what to do,” Trinkunas said. Found inside – Page 4This is all taking place in a continent that is no longer under the authoritarian “protection” of the American ... the coalition of left-wing parties that support Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, the FMLN (Frente Farabundo Martí para la ... The United States has sanctioned more that 150, and cancelled the visas of 1,000. The syndicates operate with government acquiescence and sometimes involvement. The Future of Venezuela Initiative of the Center for Strategic & International Studies keeps the policy community apprised of Venezuela’s rapidly evolving reality on the ground and influences policy dialogue through strategic convening, as well as critical research and policy “There’s a real risk of that suffering being used as part of a political debate, rather than being taken at face value.”, Left: Now the country's economy is on life support. Venezuela has less than $10 billion in foreign reserves, according to data from the Central Bank of Venezuela published in July. National Guard soldiers and municipal police ride through the neighborhood of Petare in Caracas, Venezuela, on August 7, 2020, patrolling the area to make sure residents are complying with COVID-19 regulations. Plan to sign a framework agreement to start talks hit a snag when Maduro camp rejected Guaido US envoy, say sources. On February 12th, (Venezuelan Youth Day and the commemoration of the independence battle of La Victoria) some university students and traditional conservative opposition groups took to the streets in Venezuela. In 2017, the Constituent Assembly passed a vague Law Against Hatred, forbidding political parties that “promote fascism, hatred, and intolerance,” and establishing prison sentences of up to 20 years for publishing “messages of intolerance and hatred.” During the Covid-19 state of emergency, many people sharing or publishing information on social media questioning officials or policies have been charged with incitement to hatred or to commission of a crime. Judge María Lourdes Afiuni has been the subject of an arbitrary prosecution since 2009, when she granted conditional release to a government critic, following a recommendation by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. It reported 517 state agents charged and 26 convicted for torture or ill-treatment, and 44 individuals charged and 10 detained while awaiting trial for human rights abuses during protests in 2014, 2017, and 2019. In July, ahead of parliamentary elections scheduled for December 2020, the Supreme Court ordered the takeover of three leading political opposition parties by Maduro government supporters, and appointed government supporters to head the National Electoral Council (CNE). Venezuela has been in crisis for years, but the situation there has arguably taken an even greater turn for the worse in recent weeks. In effect, Venezuela cannot hope to rely on Russia as Cuba did on the Soviet Union prior to its collapse. WATCH: Trump says ‘all options are open’ on Venezuela, State Department: Nauert out as pick for UN ambassador, Trump administration sued over policy of sending asylum seekers back to Mexico. The economy started its downward spiral, and in 2015 an opposition coalition won two-thirds of the seats in parliamentary elections in a rebuke to Maduro. One way to resolve to the crisis would be for Maduro to step down and allow for independent elections, Trinkunas said. The crisis in Venezuela during the Bolivarian Revolution is a continuous financial and political … Although Venezuela and the United States are held together by joint business interests involving petroleum exports and imports, this fact has done nothing to soften the tension between the two governments. Authorities have tortured various detainees for information about alleged conspiracies. In August, Maduro announced pardons for 110 political prisoners, but fewer than half of them had been incarcerated for political motives, the Penal Forum reported, and some faced no charges. More than 1,200 houses have been destroyed, 17 people missing as rescue workers search the wreckage in Merida. FOREST HILLS, NY — Looking to spend a night out with friends? On Jan 10 President Maduro's 2016-2019 term expired, and … These sanctions are likely to exacerbate gas shortages in Venezuela and hinder food distribution and humanitarian assistance as long as the crisis goes on, Ramsey said. Venezuela gov't, opposition pledge to address people's needs. A total of 870 had been prosecuted by military courts. Government hopes talks will help ease sanctions while opposition wants guarantees of free and fair regional elections. Authorities and pro-government armed groups known as colectivos have threatened, verbally harassed, and mistreated returnees. Many governments from the region and Europe said the elections had not met minimum guarantees to be considered free and fair. López had been sentenced to 13 years in prison on unsubstantiated charges of inciting violence during demonstrations against the government in 2014, and spent years in a military prison and under house arrest. In June, the European Union and Switzerland imposed sanctions on 11 officials for their role in acts undermining democracy and the rule of law, bringing the number of sanctioned Venezuelans to 36. The Iranian navy ships believed to be originally headed toward Venezuela changed course early this week and are now steaming north up the west coast of Africa, U.S. officials said. REUTERS/Marco Bello. The once booming economy is near collapse. In consequat rutrum nisl quis condimentum. Protesters confront Venezuelan National Police officers during a demonstration for a referendum on the rule of President Nicolás Maduro in Caracas, Venezuela, on May 18, 2016. "Explores the phenomenon of party system collapse through a detailed examination of Venezuela's traumatic party system decay, as well as a comparative analysis of collapse in Bolivia, Colombia, and Argentina and survival in Argentina, India ... Others said the Trump administration’s appointment of Abrams — who was convicted in 1991 for lying to Congress during the Iran-Contra scandal — as the U.S. envoy to Venezuela could be an obstacle in negotiations. called for a rewrite of the nation’s constitution. Saddled with hundreds of failed state companies in an economy barreling over a cliff, the Venezuelan … Gabriela Martinez Venezuela’s infrastructure has been poorly maintained, recently leading to a series of country-wide blackouts in March 2019 that left millions without power. But experts say the Venezuelan government Maduro took over was also too dependent on oil revenue and faced long-overlooked structural issues. todd News. © 1996 - 2021 NewsHour Productions LLC. Nulla facilisi. Authorities have relied on colectivos to disperse demonstrations and crack down on protesters. What is happening in Venezuela? Maduro was elected president 2013 after Venezuela’s longtime leader, Hugo Chávez, died from cancer. OHCHR continues to monitor the situation in Venezuela. When oil prices dropped, Maduro was unable to continue funding Chávez-era social programs, and the government started spending less on the state-run oil industry, which caused production to drop. Venezuela’s top court assumed the legislative power of the assembly because lawmakers were refusing to agree with Maduro’s proposed measures to address the country’s … Jose is a … In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that individuals or organizations receiving foreign funding can be prosecuted for treason, and the National Assembly prohibited international assistance to organizations that “defend political rights” or “monitor the performance of public bodies.”, On May 3, the NGO Provea called on authorities to respect the rights of 13 individuals, including two former US soldiers, detained during an alleged invasion attempt. 157.73. Since 2017, the US has imposed financial sanctions, including a ban on dealings in new stocks and bonds issued by the Venezuelan government and its state oil company. Venezuela is at a tipping point: too socialist to thrive in the global system, still too dependent on capitalism to break with it. Colectivos have enforced the lockdown in neighborhoods with high levels of poverty, local groups report, beating and torturing those who allegedly fail to comply. In Venezuela, returnees have been held, often for weeks, in overcrowded, unsanitary quarantine centers that likely contribute to spreading Covid-19. Venezuela's economy was already struggling, for a variety of reasons. Biden comes to California to help Newsom fight off recall. The only way out is forward, and the … Many people have asked me how they can understand what’s really happening in Venezuela based on information from public institutions such as the U.S. government and the mainstream media. In-person classes, suspended in March, remained suspended at time of writing. In March, the National Guard detained lawyer Henderson Maldonado during a demonstration by renal and cancer patients. The opposition parties say they will participate in regional polls in a boost to President Maduro’s legitimacy. Why? PART III of a three-part series on Venezuela, written after participating in an End-Sanctions delegation in April 2019. What is Happening in Venezuela? By. Found inside – Page 307Let me just follow up with regard to what's happening in Venezuela . ... What role is Russia playing right now in what's happening in Venezuela with the oppression that we've seen from the Venezuelan Government by President Maduro . This sort of thing is happening in Venezuela right now. The council also adopted a separate resolution presented by Iran to continue UN technical cooperation on human rights with Venezuelan authorities under Maduro. Subscribe to ‘Here's the Deal,’ our politics newsletter. Found insideIn examining the new political realities of Venezuela, the authors offer lessons on the dynamics of succession in hybrid regimes. This book is a must-read for scholars and analysts of Latin America. Security forces have shot demonstrators at point-blank range with riot-control munitions, brutally beaten people who offered no resistance, and staged violent raids on apartment buildings. THE … Between 2017 and the first trimester of 2020, the Attorney General’s Office reported initiating 4,890 investigations into killings in the context of security operations, of which 13 had resulted in trials and one in a homicide conviction by March. More than 3 million Venezuelans have fled their country. “The expectation by the United States and its partners, including the new right-leaning Latin American governments, that forcing out Maduro will usher in a stable, uncorrupt, democratic, and efficient government is not based on reality,” said Fulton Armstrong, a former U.S. national intelligence officer in Latin America who teaches at American University. File photo by REUTERS/Marco Bello/File Photo, “The appointment of Abrams, who carries significant Cold War baggage despite being an effective operator, risks dividing Venezuela policy along partisan lines in the United States,” said Ramsey. https://disasterphilanthropy.org/disaster/venezuelan-refugee-crisis Found inside – Page 33This was the view of Venezuela's president Hugo Chávez, who, along with Cuba's Fidel Castro, developed the idea of a ... Aharonian said, “Today we know much more about Chechnya than what's happening on the corner, in Colombia or in ... Here’s what we know about what’s happening in Venezuela, and what’s next. The opposition won more than two-thirds of seats in 2015. As Gates reveals, elite outliers supported Chávez despite his anti-neoliberal stance because they feared that the success of Chávez's main rival would deny them access to Venezuela's powerful oil state. 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