what was the counterculture movement

The state police arrested the organizers and several participants of the meeting. After the initial success of Drop City, visitors would take the idea of communes and spread them. Found insideThis book pays homage to the counterculture movement through the words and photographs of a select gathering of people who lived it. Many of these songs highlighted civil rights and peace. At the start of the 1970s, counterculture-oriented publications like the Whole Earth Catalog and The Mother Earth News were popular, out of which emerged a back to the land movement. 3. Hippies promoted the recreational use of hallucinogenic drugs, particularly marijuana and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), in so-called head trips, justifying the practice as a way of expanding consciousness. However, the project collapsed and The Beach Boys released a stripped down and reimagined version called Smiley Smile, which failed to make a big commercial impact but was also highly influential, most notably on The Who's Pete Townshend. [138] In December 1966, the exploitation film Hallucination Generation was released. The counterculture and antiwar movement helped elect Richard Nixon and promote American conservatism because of the backlash the movement provoked among “mainstream Americans”–an older and generally more rural group of citizens that held traditional values. I had to work. The Hippy Movement The term "hippy" comes from being hip. In France the New Wave was a blanket term coined by critics for a group of French filmmakers of the late 1950s and 1960s, influenced by Italian Neorealism and classical Hollywood cinema. The urban communes eventually turned seedy and dangerous, and their “do your own thing” attitude did not provide enough guidance for how to live. "[199], When asked about the prospects of the counterculture movement moving forward in the digital age, former Grateful Dead lyricist and self-styled "cyberlibertarian" John Perry Barlow said, "I started out as a teenage beatnik and then became a hippie and then became a cyberpunk. While usually considered experimental and avant-garde, free jazz has also oppositely been conceived as an attempt to return jazz to its "primitive", often religious roots, and emphasis on collective improvisation. There were many different facets and factions of the general movement but most were characterized by a general distrust of government, the notion of . Amidst the recent flourishing of Sixties scholarship, Imagine Nation is the first collection to focus solely on the counterculture. [73], In 1966, during a big campaign coordinated by the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, around 4,000 young males were forced to cut their hair, often in the cells with the assistance of the state police. College students became political/anti-war activists, and drove anti-war and civil rights movements. “Imagine there’s no heaven/ It’s easy if you try/ No hell below us/ Above us only sky/ Imagine all the people/ Living for today…” (Lennon). , Fight!, and Liberate! in the “prison that is Amerika,” Steal This Book is a revolutionary's manual to running a guerilla movement, as well as getting free food, housing, transportation, medical care, and more. Young, Warren R., and Joseph R. Hixson. Without a name there may be no coherent movement. This collection is urging the listeners to come and join the people of the counter culture movement. [160], The 1960s saw the protest song gain a sense of political self-importance, with Phil Ochs's "I Ain't Marching Anymore" and Country Joe and the Fish's "I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die-Rag" among the many anti-war anthems that were important to the era.[153]. The Hippy culture was a youth movement . Many social issues fueled the growth of the larger counterculture movement. [78], The Cordobazo was a civil uprising in the city of Córdoba, Argentina, in the end of May 1969, during the military dictatorship of General Juan Carlos Onganía, which occurred a few days after the Rosariazo, and a year after the French May '68. The followers of the counter culture movement did not show interest in having a job or a financially stable future. The voting age was lowered from twenty-one to eighteen, and the draft ended. [178] Roud described a distinctive "fondness for a kind of Bohemian life and an impatience with the conformity of the Right Bank, a high degree of involvement in literature and the plastic arts, and a consequent interest in experimental filmmaking", as well as an identification with the political left. [114], Opposition to the Vietnam War began in 1964 on United States college campuses. To be sure, there were plenty of middle-class American teens for whom long hair, casual sex . Сopyright © 2021 service.graduateway.com. These people, most commonly known as hippies, preached love and sought bliss (McWilliams 65). If businessmen do have a social responsibility other than making maximum profits for stockholders, how are they to know what it is? Raoul Vaneigem wrote The Revolution of Everyday Life which takes the field of "everyday life" as the ground upon which communication and participation can occur, or, as is more commonly the case, be perverted and abstracted into pseudo-forms. Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher, 1983. Manuel Martinez offers an eye-opening challenge to this characterization of the Beats, juxtaposing them against Chicano nationalists like Raul Salinas, Jose Montoya, Luis Valdez, and Oscar Acosta and Mexican migrant writers in the United ... Also in Sufi Tales … a certain type of "rascal"-with a grin and a wink (and wisdom beyond wisdom) … in the Zen tradition this is known as the School of Crazy Wisdom … Timothy Leary-in his own inimitable way-has become the twentieth ... The current gay rights movement in the United States began in earnest in 1950 with the founding of the Mattachine Society. The 1960s counterculture embraced a back-to-the-land ethic, and communes of the era often relocated to the country from cities. At Berkeley a group of students began to identify themselves as having interests as a class that were at odds with the interests and practices of the University and its corporate sponsors. University of Oklahoma Press. People were influenced to break away from the mold society created for them and live their lives the way they wanted to; the way they weren’t supposed to. During the late 1960's and early 1970's, the genre of Psychedelic rock emerged as the popular type of music for participants of . Can self-selected private individuals decide what the social interest is? "[192], Screen legend John Wayne equated aspects of 1960s social programs with the rise of the welfare state, "I know all about that. By 1968, the year after a large march to the United Nations in New York City and a large protest at the Pentagon were undertaken, a majority of people in the country opposed the war. The notion of "recreational sex" without the threat of unwanted pregnancy radically changed the social dynamic and permitted both women and men much greater freedom in the selection of sexual lifestyles outside the confines of traditional marriage. The counterculture, and the hippies associated with the movement, was a transition from the Beat Generation of the 1950s. This volume provides an essential new academic scrutiny of the concept of ’counterculture’ and a critical examination of the period and its heritage. The three-day Festival Rock y Ruedas de Avándaro, held in 1971, was organized in the valley of Avándaro near the city of Toluca, a town neighboring Mexico City, and became known as "The Mexican Woodstock". He also explores the life and works [156], The 1960s was also an era of rock festivals, which played an important role in spreading the counterculture across the US. [141], Leary made attempts to bring more organized awareness to people interested in the study of psychedelics. It takes you to a place where young men no longer have to go to war and die for a country that chooses to make war over peace. They differed from earlier leftist movements that had been more oriented towards labour activism, and instead adopted social activism. Music. 6. The hippies were not a goal-orientated group of people. Found inside" These stories portray a period in which urban riots, antiwar protests, sexual experimentation, drug abuse, and feminism led to national division and moral decay. Norman R.R. Beech is a self-proclaimed hippie, an author, and a father. This first edition of The Hippie Movement also serves as a very useful reference source and academic citation guide. What is the most popular interior wall paint color? A list of members, and their respective professional regulators, is available for inspection at our registered office, Unit 115, Ducie House, Ducie Street, Manchester, M1 2JW. Evidence on the Rajneesh-Osho movement came from a few sources. [142] Although these men were seeking an ultimate enlightenment, reality eventually proved that the potential they thought was there could not be reached, at least in this time. The Hippy culture was a youth movement . The counterculture was not only affected by cinema, but was also instrumental in the provision of era-relevant content and talent for the film industry. While the album gave Davis a gold record, the use of electric instruments and rock beats created a great deal of consternation amongst some more conservative jazz critics. Although not as visible as it once was, hippie culture has never died out completely: hippies and neo-hippies can still be found on college campuses, on communes, and at gatherings and festivals. "While not always formally recognized, much of the protest of the sixties was anarchist. Looking back on his own life (as a Harvard professor) prior to 1960, Leary interpreted it to have been that of "an anonymous institutional employee who drove to work each morning in a long line of commuter cars and drove home each night and drank martinis ... like several million middle-class, liberal, intellectual robots.". Print. I never had it easy. The American Asian Movement (AAM) differs from previous Asian-American activism due to its emphasis on Pan-Asianism and its solidarity with U.S. and international Third World movements. As stated before, education was not a primary concern for the rebellious individuals of the counter culture movement. However, their fashion influences start with a slightly earlier movement: punks. On September 19, 1966, Leary founded the League for Spiritual Discovery, a religion declaring LSD as its holy sacrament, in part as an unsuccessful attempt to maintain legal status for the use of LSD and other psychedelics for the religion's adherents based on a "freedom of religion" argument. Young Cuban exiles in the United States would develop interests in Cuban identity, and politics. Two years later, the municipal council in Poděbrady banned máničky from entering cultural institutions in the town. Dave Tomlin tells Dan Carrier how he and fellow squatters turned Cambodia's embassy into an artistic hub when the Khmer Rouge took over the country in 1975. Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters helped shape the developing character of the 1960s counterculture when they embarked on a cross-country voyage during the summer of 1964 in a psychedelic school bus named Furthur. This was the New Left, which criticized the lack of individual freedom and the power of bureaucracy. [18][19][20] The Partial Test Ban Treaty divided the establishment within the US along political and military lines. Radical Movements and Revolutions. This present collection, Canadian Countercultures and the Environment, makes an important contribution to a number of fields. As most of the papers deal with the 1970s and 1980s, they will add to our knowledge of this understudied period. To others, it reflected a self-indulgent, pointlessly rebellious, unpatriotic, and destructive assault on America's traditional moral order. Anarchism circulated within the movement along with other radical ideologies. [75] In August 1969, during the first anniversary of the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia, the long-haired youth were one of the most active voices in the state protesting against the occupation. price category. From hippies tossing the Frisbee at festivals and concerts came today's popular disc sports. Mexico City, as well as northern cities such as Monterrey, Nuevo Laredo, Ciudad Juárez, and Tijuana, were exposed to US music. [89], The New Left is a term used in different countries to describe left-wing movements that occurred in the 1960s and 1970s in the Western world. The Beatles went on to become the most prominent commercial exponents of the "psychedelic revolution" (e.g., Revolver, Sgt. Like Dada before it, Fluxus included a strong current of anti-commercialism and an anti-art sensibility, disparaging the conventional market-driven art world in favor of an artist-centered creative practice. The hippie subculture began its development as a youth movement in the United States during the early 1960s and then developed around the world. Lennon images people living in the now, ignoring thoughts of the future. Following Gardner's death in 1964, the Craft continued to grow unabated despite sensationalism and negative portrayals in British tabloids, with new traditions being propagated by figures like Robert Cochrane, Sybil Leek and most importantly Alex Sanders, whose Alexandrian Wicca, which was predominantly based upon Gardnerian Wicca, albeit with an emphasis placed on ceremonial magic, spread quickly and gained much media attention. Focusing on a group of musicians from Bahia, an impoverished state in northeastern Brazil noted for its vibrant Afro-Brazilian culture, Christopher Dunn reveals how artists including Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, and Tom Ze ... In 1970, Gaskin founded a Tennessee community called The Farm, and he still lists his religion as "Hippie". Ultimately, practical and comfortable casual apparel, namely updated forms of T-shirts (often tie-dyed, or emblazoned with political or advertising statements), and Levi Strauss-branded blue denim jeans[52] became the enduring uniform of the generation, as daily wearing of suits along with traditional Western dress codes declined in use. Print. Generation X is the bridge between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials. When people returned home from "The Summer of Love" these styles and behaviors spread quickly from San Francisco and Berkeley to many US and Canadian cities and European capitals. [115], The application of nuclear technology, both as a source of energy and as an instrument of war, has been controversial. But Counter-Couture offers a new way to think about the lasting legacy of the counterculture movement. In general, the counterculture era commenced in earnest with the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November 1963; became absorbed into the popular culture with the termination of U.S. combat military involvement in Southeast Asia; and ultimately concluded with the end of the draft in 1973 and the resignation of President Richard Nixon in August 1974. [132], During the early to mid 1960s, as mod grew and spread throughout the UK, certain elements of the mod scene became engaged in well-publicised clashes with members of rival subculture, rockers. [178] Left Bank directors include Chris Marker, Alain Resnais, and Agnès Varda. "[193], Former liberal Democrat Ronald Reagan, who later became a conservative Governor of California and 40th President of the US, remarked about one group of protesters carrying signs, "The last bunch of pickets were carrying signs that said 'Make love, not war.' Many Mexican rock stars became involved in the counterculture. [153]: 58  Some believe the era came to an abrupt end with the infamous Altamont Free Concert held by the Rolling Stones, in which heavy-handed security from the Hells Angels resulted in the stabbing of an audience member, apparently in self-defense, as the show descended into chaos. They introduced a more aggressive evolution of garage rock which was often fused with sociopolitical and countercultural lyrics of the era, such as in the song "Motor City Is Burning" (a John Lee Hooker cover adapting the story of the Detroit Race Riot of 1943 to the Detroit riot of 1967). In the 70s, it was mostly composed of "veteran individualist anarchists with a pacifism orientation, naturism, etc, ...". Materialistic possessions were not important for they wanted to live a simple life without greed or selfishness, which supported their idea of altruism (McWilliams 66). The term counterculture refers to a group or movement that espouses norms, ideas and values that are different from those of the time period's dominant culture.There are many counterculture examples throughout history, as well as in modern life. Found insideThe American counterculture played a major role during a pivotal moment in American history. My generation is pretty weird. This is a very important part of our history that coincides with the Vietnam war, and how the people decided . "Like many dissenting religions, the hippies were enormously hostile to the religious institutions of the dominant culture, and they tried to find new and adequate ways to do the tasks the dominant religions failed to perform. In its own alternatives, it espoused female values and a feminine way of being while it oppressed women in practice . Women gained more legal rights against discrimination and more control over their bodies, as well as more . Anything that could be connected to the counterculture or student protests was prohibited from being broadcast on public airwaves, with the government fearing a repeat of the student protests of 1968. What starts out as a counterculture movement often transitions over time to represent dominant cultural beliefs. While sub-cultures are distinct but still able to coexist with mainstream . Counterculture of the 1960's-1970's The 1960's brought a movement made up of mostly white, middle-class college youths who tried to establish a new culture based on love and peace. [70], Kommune 1 or K1 was a commune in West Germany known for its bizarre staged events that fluctuated between satire and provocation. Cannabis Museum and the Majestic Galleries in Nelsonville are happy to announce the upcoming exhibition, Art Nouveau and the Counterculture Movement: The Evolution of the Modern Poster, September . Jost259 said that one delineation between political ideologies is loyalty vs. rebellion. This idea of “living in the now” and not getting ahead in life was not ideal for the common American who wanted to strive for greatness and success. [74] On August 19, 1966, during a "safety intervention" organized by the state police, 140 long-haired people were arrested. After the January 14, 1967 Human Be-In in San Francisco organized by artist Michael Bowen, the media's attention on culture was fully activated. While the song had originally been written by John Phillips of The Mamas & the Papas to promote the June 1967 Monterey Pop Festival, it became an instant hit worldwide (#4 in the United States, #1 in Europe) and quickly transcended its original purpose. [24][25][26] In the UK, the Profumo affair also involved establishment leaders being caught in deception, leading to disillusionment and serving as a catalyst for liberal activism. Pop and rock groups such as the Beatles, the Dave Clark Five, The Kinks, The Rolling Stones, Herman's Hermits, the Animals . Because many Americans were members of the different movements in the counterculture, the counterculture influenced American society as a whole. Matthews, M. (2010) Droppers: America's First Hippie Commune, Drop City. [11] The era was also notable in that a significant portion of the array of behaviors and "causes" within the larger movement were quickly assimilated within mainstream society, particularly in the US, even though counterculture participants numbered in the clear minority within their respective national populations.[12][13]. The cross country trip and Prankster experiments were documented in Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test, a masterpiece of New Journalism. Found insideA bold reconsideration of the meaning of 1960s San Francisco counterculture [146][147] Disc sports such as disc freestyle, double disc court, disc guts, Ultimate and disc golf became this sport's first events.[148][149]. In the counter-culture model of the r-type Appeasement Strategy emerges a picture of a psychology prone to cultivate positive relations with an enemy force which sought to destroy their government, while being . The old ideas of religion, philosophy, competition, materialism, and . A. The counterculture movement encountered resistance from law enforcement officials as well as the older generation. In the decade after World War II, the nation's economy boomed, and much of the country enjoyed a time of peace and prosperity. The opening reception will be held during Nelsonville's Final Friday, September 24th, 6-9 PM, and is located at 20 Public Square in Nelsonville, Ohio, […] The counter culture movement was developed by people who had an anti-establishment attitude, wanted to widen social boundaries, and fought to challenge the authority that currently existed in the United States (Anderson 129). It is directly influenced and inspired by the Beat Generation, and American involvement in the Vietnam War. The mods and rockers conflict led sociologist Stanley Cohen to use the term "moral panic" in his study about the two youth subcultures,[133] which examined media coverage of the mod and rocker riots in the 1960s.[134]. The civil rights movement in general was becoming a popular topic of debate during the 1960s and 1970s, and forced people to focus on the inequality and injustices in society. Pharapreising and interpretation due to major educational standards released by a particular educational institution as well as tailored to your educational institution – if different; [87] This younger generation had experienced the United States during the rising anti-war movement, civil rights movement, and feminist movement of the 1960s, causing them to be influenced by radicals that encouraged political introspection, and social justice. We downplayed the fact that the psychedelic experience isn't for everyone."[140]. The Free Spirits have sometimes been cited as the earliest jazz-rock band. You were either hip or you were a "square" or a "pig." Hippie were looking for an alternative way to live life. [135] In 1967, Scott McKenzie's rendition of the song "San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)" brought as many as 100,000 young people from all over the world to celebrate San Francisco's "Summer of Love". The Woodstock Music Festival began on August 15, 1969 in Bethel, New York. A surge of popular interest in anarchism occurred in western nations during the 1960s and 1970s. The goals of the movement was to attain ‘peace and prosperity’ within the Vietnam War Era American country and bring the troops home, the youth movement pushed to be different, thanks to a ‘corrupt’ government. Jim DeRogatis wrote that peyote, a small cactus containing the psychedelic alkaloid mescaline, was widely available in Austin, Texas, a countercultural hub in the early 1960s. The 1990 Oscar-nominated documentary film Berkeley in the Sixties[205][206][207] highlighted what Owen Gleiberman from Entertainment Weekly noted: The film doesn't shrink from saying that many of the '60s social-protest movements went too far. The lyrics produce images of freedom inside the listener’s head. Dennis Hopper's "Road Trip" adventure Easy Rider (1969) became accepted as one of the landmark films of the era. The hipster culture today is also a counter-culture movement, with a focus on creativity, independent rock music, as well as irony in literature and film. These people, most commonly known as hippies, preached love and sought bliss (McWilliams 65). Members of the counterculture, known as hippies, valued youth, spontaneity, and individuality, and promoted peace, love, and freedom. What factors influenced the rise of the counterculture? Wicca is a witchcraft religion which became more prominent beginning in 1951, with the repeal of the Witchcraft Act of 1735, after which Gerald Gardner and then others such as Charles Cardell and Cecil Williamson began publicising their own versions of the Craft. The post-World War II baby boom[8][9] generated an unprecedented number of potentially disaffected youth as prospective participants in a rethinking of the direction of the United States and other democratic societies. A countercultural movement expresses the ethos and aspirations of a specific population during a well-defined era. The movement originated on college campuses in the United States, although it spread to other countries. soon widened its focus from urban issues to include many Indigenous Tribal issues that Native American groups have faced due to settler colonialism of the Americas, such as treaty rights, high rates of unemployment, education, cultural continuity, and preservation of Indigenous cultures.[83][84]. The counter culture movement of the 1960s. 85 Metascore. It doesn't matter that there is no counterculture, because counterculture of the past gives people a sense that their own difference matters. Many college‐age men and women became political activists and were the driving force behind the civil rights and antiwar movements. DA3464539. The 1970 pamphlet Women and Their Bodies, soon expanded into the 1971 book Our Bodies, Ourselves, was particularly influential in bringing about the new feminist consciousness.[129]. [157] The Monterey Pop Festival, which launched Hendrix's career in the US, was one of the first of these festivals. There has been many countercultural movements throughout history, yet it is since the 1960's that many of these ideas really took hold as counterculture develops out of the 1960's counter culture movements of the United States and DiY culture is a more UK-based movement centred around punk, rave culture, new age travellers movements and anti-roads protests, amongst other things. The counterculture movement had a significant, lasting influence on the music, fashion and literature. To others, it reflected a self-indulgent, pointlessly rebellious, unpatriotic, and destructive assault on America’s traditional moral order. The counterculture interest in ecology progressed well into the 1970s: particularly influential were New Left eco-anarchist Murray Bookchin, Jerry Mander's criticism of the effects of television on society, Ernest Callenbach's novel Ecotopia, Edward Abbey's fiction and non-fiction writings, and E.F. Schumacher's economics book Small Is Beautiful. They believed in doing their own thing, which was the basic idea of the movement, and they did not choose to have appointed leadership among themselves, for they were all equal and not one individual was going to rise above the rest. (see also: List of civil rights leaders; Key figures of the New Left; Timeline of 1960s counterculture). Other "groups such as Blood, Sweat & Tears directly borrowed harmonic, melodic, rhythmic and instrumentational elements from the jazz tradition". The Psychedelic Experience was the inspiration for John Lennon's song "Tomorrow Never Knows" in The Beatles' album Revolver. These people, most commonly known as hippies, preached love and sought bliss (McWilliams 65). Cultural historians—such as Theodore Roszak in his 1986 essay "From Satori to Silicon Valley" and John Markoff in his book What the Dormouse Said,[179] have pointed out that many of the early pioneers of personal computing emerged from within the West Coast counterculture. Marijuana, LSD, and other recreational drugs, Counterculture technology prodigy and Apple co-founder Steve Jobs' 2005 Commencement Address at Stanford University, 1968: "Beat" author Jack Kerouac, an early critic of the hippies and the larger counterculture, debates with sociologist Lewis Yablonksy, musician Ed Sanders, and conservative commentator William F. Buckley, Jr. on US TV's. What was the goal of the counterculture movement quizlet? I'd like to know why they make excuses for cowards who spit in the faces of the police and then run behind the judicial sob sisters. Student activism became a dominant theme among the baby boomers, growing to include many other demographic groups. These people were changing America through different . What is the counterculture movement of the 1960s? [106] The Diggers took their name from the original English Diggers led by Gerrard Winstanley[107] and sought to create a mini-society free of money and capitalism. It states that even though the Rajneesh-Osho movement . Last time, I discussed goths, a group that emerged in the late 1970s whose fashion and lifestyle choices reflected fascination with the morbid and supernatural. Carmen Bernand, « D'une rive à l'autre », "LibGuides: American Indian Movement (AIM): Overview", "Free Speech Movement Archives Home Page - events from 1964 and beyond", The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, "The Spirit of the Sixties: The Making of Postwar Radicalism" by James J. Farrell, "Anarchism and the Anti-Globalization Movement" by Barbara Epstein, London Federation of Anarchists involvement in Carrara conference, 1968, "Sunday Dialogue: Nuclear Energy, Pro and Con", Three Mile Island: A Nuclear Crisis in Historical Perspective, "Dagmar Wilson dies at 94; organizer of women's disarmament protesters", "Dagmar Wilson, Anti-Nuclear Leader, Dies at 94", "Revolution in Men's Clothes: Mod Fashions from Britain are Making a Smash in the U.S.", "Mixing the Medicine: The Unintended Consequence of Amphetamine Control on the Northern Soul Scene", "The Assault on Culture: Utopian currents from Lettrisme to Class War", "1) Sgt. Of Black Mask and another group called Angry Arts in addition to,. Summer of 1968, the Doors, Jimi Hendrix even more appealing to the from... Transportation regulations in most instances, their fashion influences start with a pacifism orientation naturism! And another group called Angry Arts colonial Times to the 1950s at best! 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U.S. for racy Italian and French B-movies a self-proclaimed hippie, an extremely repressive era Mexican! Became its downfall theme among the young U.S. for racy Italian and French B-movies insidePhysicist Peter launched. Southern Colorado, named Drop City you with the 1970s been credited the. And freer attitudes toward sexual relationships contradicted traditional values and norms of behavior differ substantially those... Freedom from materialism and the family influence by playing his trumpet through electronic and. Právo informed that máničky in Prague were banned from visiting restaurants of the landmark Films of time! Of popular interest in libertarian socialism. is documented elsewhere jazz music that first... Object to others living it counterculture: Ideological work and everyday life among communards! Like Dalí, with many officials skeptical, this breakthrough was not promoted was in support of the 1950s 1960s. 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