where is thyatira located today

They look like real Christians. Revelation 2:25 Revelation 2:25But that which you have already hold fast till I come.American King James Version× “Hold fast what you have til I come.” It is talking about those who have been doing what is right. An apartment building overlooks the crumbled walls of ancient Thyatira, now modern-day Akhisar with more than 100,000 people. To THE Savior? According to Revelation 1:11, on the Greek island of Patmos, Jesus Christ instructs John of Patmos to: "Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamum, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea." The churches in this context refers to the community or local congregations of Christians living . One of the greatest of the Ionian cities, it became the leading seaport of the region. So, in a way, this image of the risen Christ is kind of scary compared to what they are used to thinking of in terms of their little local patron god. Found insideThe impact of The Late Great Planet Earth cannot be overstated. Description. So, by the time we get down to verse 25, let’s notice here. One of them is here in Revelation 2. What is Jesus like? The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions. Apollos was one of the pagan gods, as well, the god of light. If you look back to verse 20. You have to make a choice and we are faced every single day with pressures to conform, pressures to fit in, pressures to not stick out, pressures to make wrong choices and judgements. He was their great god with this double edged battle ax. It seems that this church is well grounded in the Word. It can destroy sinners, as it talks about like potters vessels, but it can also guide, lead, help, and serve, as well. [3]. The message was from the Lord Jesus Christ through an angel (or "messenger"): "To the angel of the church in Thyatira write . Sardis . And you might think, are there any Biblical references to this type of thing, to trade guilds. Privacy Policy  Terms of Use. Thyatira was a very interesting place because it was a place where the members were said to be very good at certain things. Revelation 2:18 Revelation 2:18And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things said the Son of God, who has his eyes like to a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass;American King James Version×is where we are going to pick up the letter to those in Thyatira. Verse 22; “ I will cast her into a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation unless they repent of their deeds.” And so, once again, time is given to change, to repent, to change the way you think, change your actions. Ak-Hissar is Turkish for "white castle," and near the modern town may be seen the ruins of the castle from which the name was derived. And so, here, it is an interesting contrast, isn’t it? So, there is not much there and the city that now covers that area is Akhisar. There is description that describes Him just the same in Daniel 10. They judge the message before they accept the apostle. He was seeking the Sybil. In a way, what does that say? He is able to judge out thoughts. Because Thyatira teaches us that we cannot mix the truth of God with the ways of this world. Right now there is a city that covers this particular area. Had NOTHING to do with being frinds with the world but with pagan practices. Located in the Hermus Valley (modern R. Gediz) on the banks of a southern tributary, the Pactolus (modern Sart Cay) and north of the range of the Tmolus Mountains (modern Bozdag). In pre-Hellenistic times, the city of Thyatira was located on the border of Lydia and Mysia (in the far west of modern-day Turkey.) In fact if you look in scripture there are only two places where Thyatira is mentioned. The issue here is that there is a major problem. - Holman Christian Study Bible Thyatira was a wealthy town in the north-ern part of Lydia of the Roman province of Asia, on the river Lycus. IT is possible. And to say anything else is being a true Thyatiran. In fact it is interesting that these pairs of words kind of fit together. How much are we like Thyatira? That is the kind of piercing insight that Jesus Christ has. Then guess what followed? There were bakers. She is described as a "seller of purple" ( Acts 16:14 ), that is, of woolen fabrics dyed purple, for the manufacture of which her native town was famous. It is an interesting contrast from the lust and degradation of the trade guilds to turning into the pain and the torture and probably their greatest torment. The trade guilds in Thyatira, for which the city was well known, were more organized and in far greater numbers than in any other ancient Asia Minor city. And so they each had their own private little gods and they would always pour out a little drink to them. But he pairs those two things together, I think, to make that point. Hope to see more like it. Its name means "the castle of Thya" (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 1939, "Thyatira"). And he who overcomes and keeps my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations;” So He will give power. Contemporary churches would feature all the same strengths and . This is the fifth part in the Bible study series: The Churches of Revelation. There are some there that are faithful, that are loyal. They say that there were two ways they could have made this purple dye. It became that center for commerce as people would travel through they became known for the many different items that they produced as well as kind of imported and exported. It doesn’t mean to beat somebody over the head, but to shepherd as a shepherd would have a staff. Found inside – Page 97THE CITY Thyatira (2:18b) From Pergamum, northernmost of the seven cities, the Roman road curved east and then southeast to Thyatira, approximately forty miles away.Thyatira was located in a long north-south valley connecting the ... [4] Among the ancient ruins of the city, inscriptions have been found relating to the guild of dyers in the city. And where was she from? Faith in on the inside and the works, the actions are on the inside. He bought into mom’s paganism. Thyatira was located on a Roman road and you can kind of see it here on the map. He had to have been in that bed of affliction for a long time. Because if you were to research what these trade guilds did in their practices you will see that there was definitely a religious aspect to what these trade guilds did. I think there are many. You can’t tell by looking at this map, necessarily, but it was on a flat plain. Every artisan in Thyatira belonged to a guild. You want to be able to have an income? And I  will give the morning star. Hold fast to what is good. Its wealth was proverbial. Today we come to the fourth of these churches, the church at Thyatira. [5], In early Christian times, Thyateira was home to a significant Christian church, mentioned as one of the seven Churches of the Book of Revelation in the Book of Revelation. So to all seven, of course the implication is it is all encompassing. What would that be like? But, wait a second. Steve is pastor of the United Church of God congregations in Cincinnati, Ohio. + -. And the answer is yes. This is a flourishing church, this is a strong congregation. Those are all good things. So, let’s keep going. Notice where he goes with this initial description as he talks about His eyes like a flame of fire and His feet like fine brass. It happened here in Thyatira, it seems, as well. They haven’t fallen into this terrible heresy. And it references that guild that became probably the most important one in Thyatira. 1,153 added (92% photographed) Add Favorite. It was situated about 60 km (40 mi) inland from the Aegean Sea along a tributary of the Gediz (ancient Hermus River) in western Asia. He didn’t trust the true God. Does he turn to God? So they would worship and they would honor their favorite god that would help them in their trade. He bought into everything his mom was teaching. Pergamum.Pergamum, Greek Pergamon, ancient Greek city in Mysia, situated 16 miles from the Aegean Sea on a lofty isolated hill on the northern side of the broad valley of the Caicus (modern Bakır) River. This was a warning, you better change now. It didn’t have anything like that. They were faithless individuals. So, we hope you will join us next time. Artemidorus (Ancient Greek: Ἀρτεμίδωρος) of Thyateira was an ancient Greek Olympic winners of the Stadion race, in the 193rd Olympiad at 8 BC. That also ties back to Jezebel. See, this dangerous doctrine is the doctrine of compromise, the doctrine of allowance. Well, what does this Jezebel lead the people into? One of them is right here and the other is in the book of Acts. You are expected to participate. And so here we begin to see that very thing. He is THE God with flame of fire in His eyes. Going to get some bread. Samael Aun Weor explains in practical terms how to return to Eden: through the same door we used to leave it so long ago. This prophetical book depicts the ultimate victory of Christ. The city was founded by Seleueus Nicator, one of the generals of Alexander. Click on any of the map markers and more information about that place will pop up. Thyatira was located on a Roman road and you can kind of see it here on the map. And it is kind of a scary thing that the children would also be killed. We are not talking about some pagan congregation. That is the risen Lord, Master, High Priest. What are we supposed to know? We find in Revelation that there are many compliments paid to the membership in Thyatira. Sardis - The "dead" church that fell asleep (Revelation 3:1-6 . Today, we know the location of these seven churches as being in the Aegean Region of Western Turkey. ANSWERS. Just recognize that he is not really that bad, right? Today we might have carpenters and plumbers and masons and things like that coming together for their own trades. So, by protecting their trade and their occupation it really made this whole teaching and their practice that much more insidious. Now that is kind of weird that the Lydia, of the book of Acts that was the first convert at Philippi, would be the same. It didn’t have one of the Seven Wonders of the World like Ephesus would have had the great temple there. "A Sardian named Julia Lydia and an Ephesian named Julia Lydia Laterane (I. Eph 424a) were of high station." Keener, Acts, (Google Books). Alright, down to verse 23 then. Find Thyatira Church Sermons and Illustrations. The city was founded by the Lydian kingdom and later captured by Seleucus, Alexander's general. In fact it seems that over the years, and you might not think this is very important but it is important so hang on and listen to this. 13 "And on the Sabbath day we went outside the gate to the riverside, where we supposed there was a place of prayer, and we sat down and spoke to the women who had come together. It is very possible that could be the case. And so when you see what they are doing, you look at it like that and say WOW! Of course, Thyatira is kind of in the middle of Asia. Remember the issues that she had. There was a silversmith that sold little idols. He was seeking the oracle. Thyatira was a wealthy commercial city. I think we can see everything described right here. Great Bible Study. Evidence suggests these artisans made use of the madder-root for making purple-colored dyes. Thyatira is now represented by the modern town of Ak-Hissar on a branch line of the Manisa-Soma Railroad, and on the old Roman road 9 hours from Sardis. It is also interesting that in Thyatira there were special worship practices by the guilds. Indeed, as Doddridge notes, "the resemblance appears so great" that, in his view, it is the "same heresy which is represented"[8]. Just bring your god right on in here with the rest of the gods and Christ could be a part of all of this. And because it was on this flat plain, it is an open valley type situation, with no protection, no fortifications. He has got eyes of flame that are piercing. That is the kind of God we have. The fourth study about the seven churches of Revelation is concerning the letter to the church at Thyatira. He was walking on his balcony and, what happened to Ahaziah? It is Lydia from Thyatira. Well, maybe we should just go over there for a moment. The Apostle Paul: The Conversion of Lydia. Because there are those, as Thyatira shows, that are with the truth. Right? They wouldn’t repent. And that is what Christ begins to address next. Get free map for your website. There was a shrine that was outside the city that was called Sambate or sambath. Beginning in Verse 18 of Chapter 2, the Lord addresses the angel of the church. The hospital is owned and operated by the United Church of Zambia, a sister denomination to the Presbyterian . Akhisar is the modern city in Turkey in which the archeological remains of Thyatira are located. The city hosted a major cult of the pagan god Apollo (son of Zeus). So, hold fast. In 1922, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople appointed an exarch for Western and Central Europe with the title Archbishop of Thyateira. What was the good news for Pergamum? One of the things that is interesting is that during this Roman period, these Biblical times that we are talking about, there was peace. I think it is a distinct possibility that it could be case. Jesus Christ asked his servant John of Patmos to send a message to seven major churches in Roman province of Asia (Today's Turkey) . This infection came from within the church. It lies in the far west of Turkey, south of Istanbul and almost due east of Athens. It lay about 45 miles to the southeast of Pergamum and was famous for its textiles, especially . It became a commercial center because people had to travel through it to get to these bigger more important places. On the spiritual side of things we know that the spirit searches the deep things of God. How are you going to take care of your family? There is not really any evidence of that we can link but there are a couple of out there that speculate that maybe that was who it was since that was the only other time that Thyatira was mentioned. But hold fast what you have until I come.”  And so here we have a remarkable statement. In Revelation 2:18-29 Jesus sends His message to the church of Thyatira. You can look over at Revelation 22 where it specifically spells that out. Let’s ask God’s blessing on our Bible study as we begin. This church does not just accept everyone who says he is an apostle. She was teaching compromise and allowing certain things and seducing servant to commit sexual immorality. The celebration of Pagan holidays by Christians is forbidden.Jesus did't do it ONLY pagans did this. We are going to be heading to Sardis nest. Thyateira (also Thyatira) (Ancient Greek: Θυάτειρα) was the name of an ancient Greek city in Asia Minor, now the modern Turkish city of Akhisar ("white castle"). The village is of considerable size; most of the houses . So, if you will turn with me to Acts 16 I want to read this quickly because it is significant as it ties in to the Thyatira that is mentioned in Revelation. Have there been any laws passed by any governments that say the church of God has been outlawed and you had better not be found keeping the Sabbath, better not be doing these things with the Holy Days, or we are going to force you to eat unclean things. And, you know what? Thyatira's ancient ruins were left untouched until Rustem Duyuran began to excavate the site from 1968 to 1971. Thyatira was located about 35 miles southeast of Pergamum. You can’t do it to allow these things. .". The tolerated and allowed these false teachings and wrong actions that made, in a sense, brought an alliance with paganism. So, Father, we put it all into Your hands and ask all this by the authority of our Savior, Jesus Christ. You can find that in the Psalms, as well. Verse 13 says they went to the riverside to pray. During his second missionary journey (Acts 16:13 - 15) the apostle Paul traveled to Philippi. IT seems like it points to the fact that it is representative of something that isn’t even a person. , Easter, etc call it that to survive or not, Kathe have. Just the same where is thyatira located today, whether it is likely Lydia, one of the Old Jezebel probably... Of flame that are piercing a hill or anything like that, that are loyal terms... To collect all those that made, in a little bit is certainly a lot of fun and... A dictionary of the issue with these people, just to sum it up…be careful what you believe today long. Seated on the River Hermus, is 61 kilometers ( 38 miles from!, Aspendos, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos ( a.k.a rebuilt early in the city and. Was going to recognize the difference between that risen Christ and this offsets all you. 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