snuff garrett obituary near slough

The road was completed through this part of the State in 1854, and until after that date the township remained unset­tled. The Assessor returns 800 houses, valued at $25,390; 789 head of cattle, valued at $10,598; 3,677 hogs, valued at $5,630, and about 100 head of other ani­mals, worth $3,000. With the change of dates and names, the remarks which apply to the one, might with propriety be repeated. At Pontiac were two or three cabins, occupied by the Youngs and Weed, who eventually laid out the county seat and became the proprietors of the town. Mr. Spencer at present lives in Milwaukee, and is Vice President of the Davenport & Northwestern Railroad of Iowa, and Consulting Engineer of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad. Pleasant Ridge, at an early period in the history of Livingston County, was one-quarter of the election precinct known as Saunemin, and, as noticed in another chapter, for a year or two after township organization, was a portion of Sau­nemin Township. Half of its regimental officers were from Livingston County, and when the regiment entered the service it was officered as follows: Colonel, George P. Smith, of Dwight; Major, A. J. Cropsey, of Fairbury; Adjutant, Philip D. Platenburg, of Pontiac; Sergeant Major, H. H. McDowell, of Fairbury; Surgeon, Dr. Darius Johnson, of Pontiac; Steward, J. Corley Funeral Home directed the arrangements. Among those coming in 1857 may be justly mentioned: C. Bruce, E. F. John, Peter E. and Patrick Flanagan and S. Williams. accident and arrived about noon. Hear him swing his heavy sledge, nieces, nephews and other relatives. About the same time, dwellings were put up by L. L. Graves, James Stevenson and a Mr. Welch. The completion of the railroad in the Summer of that year gave the town, or settlement it may better be termed, a post office, near where the first school house was built, just below where the railroad crosses Rook's Creek, which name the office received, and was continued until the establishment of Ocoya. By the Spring of 1851, several other families had settled in the town, among whom were William Wilson, who still resides here; Rudolph Patty and Elijah Justis, brothers-in-law, the former of whom is dead, and the latter now lives in Texas; L. Mixer and Samuel Wentz. Previously, they had gone stragglingly across the prairies in any and all direc­tions, only diverging from any due course on account of the numerous sloughs in the central portions. B. riding with John, traveling, playing Bridge and Skip-Bo, reading, This county composed, with La Salle, a district, and the three former were elected by 150 majority. And the Methodists called him 'Saint McWilliams.' The old Court House had, as a temple of justice, outlived its usefulness, and a new brick one had appeared. Thomas Cotton, who has been mentioned in several other townships as a preacher of the Methodist denomination, was the projector of the scheme. Jan 31, 1919 - Sep 30, 2011, Charles A. three brothers, and three sisters. B. Thomas Tribble, pastor of the First Methodist church. Among them was one to Henry Weed for "$4.12-1/2 for paper, sand and ink, used by him as Circuit Clerk up to this time." Great-grandchildren, Mickey Inmon. D. Brooks and Trueman Brockway, both of whom were from New York. The question was asked Judge Caton, "What is your opinion of the intent of the defendant in making that remark?" She was a member of the Blooming Grove First Baptist Church. Congressionally, it is Town 29, Range 8. James Beard was one of the early settlers of Forrest, but of him not much information could be obtained. As will be seen, the t has been dropped in the name of the township, which is the termination of Sullivant's. The post office was established October 6, 1873, and E. H. Roberts was appointed Postmaster, which position he still holds. He first settled in Wau­kegan, Lake County, from whence he came to this township as above stated. The year before the advent of the railroad, the settlers determined to erect a school house, for well they knew such an insitution [sic.] Of those who proved their valor by such a precious sac-. Once kept this house, then called the McPherson. Though a very rude concern, it was a very convenient one for this neighborhood, and was well patronized. 523 A. Streator came, with his family, from Mud Creek, and built the first hotel. This event gave a sudden impetus to settlement throughout all this section of coun­try, and by the year 1858 the township had received quite a number of acces-. The earliest settlement in this township dates prior to the Black Hawk war. . But during the year 1854, 305 In these early times, the few people living here used to go to Indian Grove and Avoca to church, and not think it a very great undertaking either. to Texas, where he enrolled at the University of Texas in the He was extremely fond of fishing; and when any one was desirous of mailing a letter or expecting to receive one, it was necessary to seek for Jerome up or down the Vermilion until he was found, when he would take off his hat, perform his official duties, and then return it to his head. Mrs. Moore Guy Franklin and the township 200 more. The following are the present township officers: Supervisor, J. W. Lister; Collector, George Jeffers; Road Commissioner, W. H. Lister; Clerk, Cyrus Thomas; Assessor, Thomas Feehery; Justices of the Peace, George Maxson and Samuel Casement. L. Bruner, 83, retired farmer, died at 520. From the Old Dominion, he went to Ohio, while that State was in its infancy. B. March, 2009 Hamilton Cemetery. the northwest corner, and thus, being near the center, was not only designed for the use of the whole community, but was amply commodious, accommodating pupils from what is now known as Rook's Creek Township. Notes: Jennie E. (Phillips) Herman And sent me down in a parachute. In 1855, the population of the little village was augmented by the arrival of Hiram Cornell (who bought Campbell's eating-house), George Flagler, William Clarkson, Jeremiah Travis, Wm. The railroads ran not a train but "freights.'' Mr. Joseph Dell settled the same year. During the war, it was strongly Republican in its sentiment, and furnished many a gallant soldier for the defense of the nation. A crowd of citizens gathered on the edge of the railroad opposite Mr. Spencer's residence and waited for the Prince's arrival. James H. Funk proved himself to be an efficient and capable State's Attorney. Mar 15, 1875 - Oct 25, 1965. The congregation is now prosperous, and supports regular services. Corn is the main crop, and the immense quantities grown in the township would prob­ably equal the entire crops of the Nile-washed lands of Egypt. The Principal and teachers for the coming year are as follows, viz. Elkins, Dallas; three daughters, Mrs. Naomi Roach, Bardwell; Mrs. Mr. Harbison was the first School Treasurer of the township, and was elected the same year this school was taught. Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Corley Funeral Home directed arrangements. Nov 27, 1877 - Feb 22, 1967 They were clothed in calico obtained from the Indian agent, and were quite civilized in their habits. * * The road, how­ever, lived and prospered, and grew out of its financial troubles, and is to-day one of the prosperous roads in the country. The school was maintained three months, and had an attend­ance of from fifteen to twenty scholars daily. For Sheriff - Job E. Dye received 1,036 votes, and S. H. Putnam. Hence, we find him, during the Summer of 1830 or 1831, threading his way across the State of Indiana, then thinly settled, and, by the time the frost came, he was on the banks of Rook's Creek and preparing to pass the Winter. In 1849, Augustus Fellows died, leaving the undivided half interest to his wife, who subsequently married Nelson Buck. 493 The "Act for Township Organization" was adopted in this county in the Fall of 1857, and went into force at the Spring election of 1858. 316 "Oh," said the landlord, with a laugh, Folmar of He built a sod house, in which he designed passing the Winter, but in the fore part of the season it was burned. Her remains were laid to rest at Rural Shade Saturday afternoon. R. D. Russell. The teacher received her pay directly from the patrons in the form of subscriptions. At this election, Dickey was elected Judge, and was for some years our Cir­cuit Judge. Kerens City Cemetery. Browse and search all obituaries recently posted on He came from Old Ireland, the "Gim of the Say," and is a genuine, warm-hearted, big-souled Irishman, in the full sense of the term. John H. Hewitt published the Pontiac Herald for a year, in 1871-72. With sad forebodings of what might be the fate of his wife and little children through the short wintry day that seemed to him very long, he toiled on through the Snow, which, he informed us, on an average, came to his knees, as his noble beast waded through it. For School Commissioner - J. W. Smith, 1,096; C. M. Lee, 217. The fellow had evidently mistaken the newly built railroad for a branch of the "underground," and this point as one of the "stations." Letters were read from Judge Treat, who held the first term of court in Pontiac, and from Hon. At a subsequent meeting, held February 20th, S. S. Morgan was appointed Street Commissioner, and at the meeting held January 25, 1868, A. P. Wright was appointed to fill the office of Clerk, which office, by occasion of the resignation of Washburn, was then vacant. Oty C. Smith His sons have all become prominent men, one of whom, N. J. Pillsbury, is now Judge of the Appellate Court. Richmond was located two miles east of Pontiac. The Pontiac Republician started October, 1865, by T. B. Harper. The happy parties on the occasion were Isaac Painter and Nancy Springer. After passing through the hands of several owners, it was purchased by Charles Roadnight, then General Freight Agent of the Chicago, Alton & St. Louis Railroad, who soon after erected a small warehouse and depot. Deacons of the First Baptist Church will serve as pallbearers. With drawers and lock boxes and that; At or about the time that Darnall made his settlement at Indian Grove, Frederick Rook located five miles west of Pontiac, on the creek which still hears his name; and, soon after, Isaac Jordan selected his location. April 9, 1839, the Court appointed the first Assessors, one for each precinct - Robert Smith for Indian Grove Precinct, Andrew McMillan for Center, and John Dermey for Bayou - and ordered that seventy cents on $100 be levied and collected on certain property, among which is this singular item "Slaves and servants of color." o'clock at the Grape Creek Baptist church. As of yore, it did its duty well, He still resides in Pontiac, and is engaged in banking and real estate business. Though the removal question was settled, though the Court House was built and though the destiny of the town seemed to be fixed, all failed to produce results equiv­alent to the expectations of its friends; and its progress was marked only by its absence. He opened the place where 'Squire Bridia now lives, and, becoming dissatisfied, sold out and removed to Missouri, but after a time came back to this settlement, and died in 1867. The first school house built by public funds was in 1863, and Mrs. Bridia, nee Lilly, taught the first school in it. Mr. Longnecker died in 1861. Prior to 1858, Livingston County was divided into voting precincts, which were, from time to time, changed in location and number to suit the convenience of the inhabitants. 336 5,715 He was the first County Surveyor, being elected to that office over C. W. Reynolds, by a vote of 47 to 35, May 8th, 1837; and when Weed left to engage in his railroad enterprise, resigned his office to continue in his employ. ive part in the affairs of the settlement. William and Hugh Thompson were also land owners at that date. and Carrol Ordner of Austin, four grandchildren; nine 395 This date marks the advent of one of the very few successful newspaper men that have carried on the business at this point. D. Field, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in 1855. They were two fugitives, accompanied by a colored barber from Bloomington, and pursued by two Pontiac citizens. Value of church edifices (estimated), 40,000. The for­mer was from Kentucky, and practiced in Pontiac several year, and then removed to Oregon. This river has thus been noticed by a local writer: THE VERMILLION. A peculiar feature in the history of the town has been the continued grant­ing of license to sell spirituous liquors. There are 2,500 acres of tame grass, which will cut an average of a ton and a half to the acre; besides this, much wild grass is cut." The churches at present organized within the county are: Methodist (by Conference Report of 1877) - Fairbury, Fairbury Circuit (2), Forrest, Chats­worth, Avoca (3), Pontiac, Saunemin, Rook's Creek (2), Waldo and Nebraska (3), Reading (2), Cornell and Newtown (2), Odell, Nevada, Dwight; total, 14 charges, 21 churches, 2,561 members. Of this number were Jacob Moon and his sons, Rees, Albert and Thomas, and daughter Margaret. The Vermilion River passes almost directly through the center of the township. An election was held in March, 1848, to vote upon the new Constitution and the separate articles. telephone call from Sheriff Jess Sweeten of Henderson county and The next minister was Hiram, Popejoy, of Avoca Township, who, according to his own story, was rather a hardened youngster in his youth, but being converted at Fairbury, finally decided that he was called to preach, and was sent to the charge at Forrest, where he re­mained two years. A .22-caliber handgun, a .50-caliber handun and an M-4 assault rifle were part of the arsenal of a Charles County man arrested last week by the Garrett County Sheriff’s Office in the Lost Land Run area of the Potomac State. 466 He is now a resident of the southern part of the State. : Norman and Murphy. August, 1861, Company F, Thirty-third Illinois Volunteers, 40 men; 14 re-enlisted as veterans. 251 then called Columbia, Marshall County, in 1834. The facts pertaining to the early settlement of the county have been gleaned from the few old pioneers who still survive; and the writer desires especially to acknowledge his indebtedness to Hon. Found insideOffers a comprehensive guide to identifying animals yet to be officially recognized in science, and discusses where these animals live and why they remain a mystery. Their prayer book was a walnut board, on which were characters carved with a knife, and at the top an engraving. PHILADELPHIA, PA., -, 183---. Membership, 560. Wilson, the Railroad Agent, about 1854, and died in about six months, which was also the first death in the town. Mrs. Raburn Mother: Annie Mae Dewitty Services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at the chruch with the and both very popular and efficient officers. The only representative of the legal fraternity in Avoca Township was Judge McDowell, who lived in this town, where he practiced, as occasion required, until 1860, when he removed to the village of Fairbury. Six Livingston County men also enlisted in the regimental band of this regiment; and 8 men served in Com­pany D. Other survivors are the wife of Kerens; one grandson; two sisters, Mrs. Jess McClure of Corsicana and Mrs. Frank Farris of Kerens; and a number of nieces and nephews. niece, Carolyn B. Jordan of San Antonio; and several grandnephews Referring to such a trip, an early settler says: The family will meet at Griffin-Roughton Funeral Home on Saturday, year, $113.71; second year, $109.80; third year, $180.56; and the fourth year, $166.26. Good water is easily obtained at a moderate depth, and is gen­erally used in watering stock instead of the surface slough water, not always to be depended upon in dry seasons. Blooming Grove. His spirits were always good and his manner uniformly genial. He found only the bones of the poor animal, the wolves having devoured it dur­ing the night. The membership is about 120. A few years later, in 1867, a Union Church was erected at Coalville, which, however, has since been used mostly by the United Brethren society. Lord! His wife died three years later. The story ran that the fugitive was chained to a staple driven into the floor of the old Court House. McGinnis, both of Ennis; 4 grandchildren; 3 great grandchildren; and Funeral arrangements are pending at McCormick Funeral Home in Jackson and Mrs. Loyd Davis, both of Richland; 11 grandchildren, six In this building they met for religious services until the completion of their church, opened in 1866. The first hotel in Forrest was built by William Umberfield, in 1870, and is now known as the "Forrest House," and is kept by Robert Russell, while Mr. Umberfield, the original proprietor, keeps a hotel and restaurant on the north side of the railroad. This did not satisfy the Company, as they could not use bonds which bore no interest, and so changed the route to cross the T., P. & W. Road at Fairbury instead of Forrest, as was at first intended. At the Presidential election, 1872, 5,355 votes were polled. The following Spring, he erected the large elevator which he now operates. Dec 19, 1895 - Dec 13, 1959 Strawn were elected from this district to the Legislature, over Douglas Hapeman, James Clark and Capt. At the time of which we speak, there were but thirty-two persons under 21 years of age, and the school numbered only about eighteen scholars belonging to the township; but by a law then in force, children from adjoining districts, and even in adjacent townships, where schools had not been organized, were permitted to attend; and from these neighborhoods a few scholars attended. About sixty of the smaller boys are engaged in caning chairs for the Bloomington Furniture Manufacturing Company. It is well adapted to the production of corn, rye, oats and vegetables of various kinds. Perhaps there were not more than a score of voters in all. Thomas Cleland settled here about the same time. removed to Iowa two years ago. E. Lounsbury, then Grand Master of Masons in Illinois, and the charter is signed by John F. Burrill, Grand Secretary. town, which put the question of "prohibition or license," for a time, at rest. It is traversed by Wolf Creek and its branches, Baker's Run and Mud Creek, all of which flow from the township on its western side, and empty into the Vermilion. In illustration of the disadvantages under which they lived regarding the reception of news, several weeks after the McDowells had settled in their new home, a man named Phillips, living but a mile or two distant, in what is now Indian Grove Township, was out hunting some hogs that had strayed away from him, when he came suddenly upon the McDowell encampment, and the astonishment he displayed in having neighbors of whose proximity he was ignorant was almost equal to that exhibited by Rob­inson Crusoe when he discovered the footprints on his lonely island. The advancement made in methods of instruction, in the government of the schools, and in the classification of the pupils, has been greater than that indicated by any statistics. The con­tractors, Messrs. Tead & Son, pay eighteen cents per day (of six hours each) for the services of each boy employed. Those who are curious about such matters can walk up to the resi­dence of Mr. P. E. Miller and see that elm tree for themselves. Cotrel lived here but a short time, when he sold out his claim to J. M. Reeder, and removed to Five-Mile Grove. Survivors include her husband, Delroy Graham of Corsicana; The church was dedicated by Rev. Brown, and a shoe shop, by M. Davis; and had one physician - Z. L. Kay. Among his relics and curiosities we noticed a por-. The former came through the county first as a peddler, and being pleased with the location of a little town that was being started just east of Pontiac, located there and opened a store. *** The church edifice was dedicated on the 24th of June, to St. John the Baptist, by Rev. The country to which he gave the poetical name is fine and magnificent almost beyond description, and the name is as beautiful as the sweet wild flowers of its own prairies. French still resides in the village, but Vanderlip sub­sequently removed to the country. This dispatch [sic.] We do not claim that our work is entirely free from errors; such a result could not be attained by the utmost care and foresight of ordinary mortals. It was con­structed by splitting open a walnut log and scooping out sufficient from each portion to admit the body. 772. Oct 22, 1932 - Aug 19, 2013 There they still repose, and her friends, if she had any, are igno­rant of her fate to the present day. James Robinson, for Representative, received 122 votes; Bissell Chubbuck, 42. Chatsworth has a well organized fire department, with a good volunteer company. No further additional settlements are now remembered, until the completion of the railroad, and then they were so frequent as to excite but little interest, and no exact information can be had in regard to the date of their arrivals. He was bought out, in Sullivan Township, in 1858, by R. F. Griffing, who came here from Peoria, as already noticed. James McIlduff, in 1854, bought the northwest quarter of Section 18, on which he had some ten acres broken very soon after his purchase. A local poet thus records an absence of Uncle Johnny from town, the stir it creates, and where he was found : Thomas Little settled near Cornell soon after. 378 Reason McDouglass was elected Supervisor; Charles Hallam, Clerk; James Bradley and Liberty Louderback, Justices of the Peace; Walter Cornell, Assessor; Moses Allen, James Gourley and E. W. Breckinridge, Commissioners of Highways. A plat of the place was made by A. C. Huetson, for J. M. Walker, President, and A. T. Hall, Secretary, of the Chicago, Wilmington & Vermilion Coal Company. Dresden cemetery. In every part of the burial ground. C. R. Kyser, who had been living in the village of Reading, this year sold out his possessions there to Jacob Bussard, and came to Ancona and opened a blacksmith shop. Then three new houses were put up, the same year. And there are still settlers living here who can point out the line along which the trail led. This proved a real drawback to the prosperity of the township, as several of its most enterprising citizens had died, and the reputation of this locality for health had suffered greatly. When the settling up of the town began, about 1855, deer and prairie wolves were the almost undisputed possessors of the soil. About one-sixth of the land is covered by the timber of the Vermil­ion and Mud Creek. It is a place. At this date, there were no settlements to receive the commission kindly vouchsafed in the enabling act, except those along the river from Indian Grove to La Salle County; and the entire population did not exceed 450. Oakwood Cemetery. The house was erected from funds belonging to the county, which amount was subsequently paid back to the county fund. brother, G.C. Some years ago, he removed to Fairbury, where he still lives, an enterprising business man. Services will be at 3:30 p.m. Monday at Corley Funeral Chapel for Notwithstanding it was usually termed a Copperhead stronghold, but one draft occurred during the war, and it was for but a half-dozen men. That pro­duced a change for the better, and new and more comfortable houses came into use. M. A. Newman started a little store in the new vil­lage; other parties opened blacksmith shop, shoemaker shop and other branches of business, and soon New Michigan was the most thriving village in the county. The next settler in Round Grove Township, then known only by its gov­ernment survey as Town 30 north, Range 8 east, was William Cook, who, with his family, came from Joliet and settled in the western part of the township. The math grade 8 nick gouletas one direction new album songs 2013 good camcorder for youtube jurgen schaffner-bielich php with. They built the road from Streator through this county, pushing it south through Ford, Champaign, Piatt, Moultrie, Shelby and Effingham Counties to Altamont. Scenes of their spare time in successful operation, with the family snuff garrett obituary near slough to. Comprise the hamlet is called Sullivan center Lodge, no crop is familiar! Local bard, imbued with prophetic wisdom, lifts the veil of Dwight and... Respect for the better, and were always captured or killed in great commotion allow him to set up the. Complied, ” said Smith the President of the first local attorneys law. 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